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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I HOPE so but I don't see any evidence of this. I haven't seen any of this super processing, elite cerebral QB play so far. I've just seen a guy who looks wholly physically outmatched at the NFL level. Has he audibled into an effective play yet? He keeps throwing late across the middle. He got so rattled last night he lined up behind the RG. I truly hope it's just growing pains but it's harder to believe with a guy who has physical limitations but was supposed to be mentally ideal. Let's all be honest for just a second. If a division rival had made this trade for a guy who had looked like Bryce has through two games we would all be ROLLING laughing.
  2. It's back to the good old days y'all!
  3. I'm just glad Charlotte doesn't have a MLB team. Could you imagine Bryce throwing out the first pitch?
  4. Fitts can't afford too. He wouldn't get anywhere close to what he turned down from the Rams and he'd get skewered for trading him mater for significantly less.
  5. He had one nice run. He definitely isn't worth what we paid but our play calling and QB play also means that we're consistently seeing the entire opposing D up on the LOS licking their chops to jump on everything because they aren't concerned with anything beating them remotely deep.
  6. This seems like some type of fandom Stockholm Syndrome induced by years of watching losing football.
  7. Is he anticipating the D scoring three TDs a game? That's bold indeed.
  8. When Bryce gets touched by NFL defenders he falls over with a 50/50 chance of fumbling to boot.
  9. The difference with Lawrence is that he showed that he had the physical tools.
  10. And then I watched this dude get so shook during the game he literally lined up over the RG and Miles Sanders had to literally throw him into position to receive the snap.
  11. How many more games like this do you sit through if you're Thomas Brown before you feel like you have to resign to distance yourself from this in an effort to salvage your career?
  12. If sailing it over receivers' heads or throwing at their feet because you can't actually fit the ball in is "making the throws" then yeah, he's making them alright.
  13. This. I'd feel differently if I saw the physical tools to make the adjustments that are needed. He just doesn't seem to have the arm required to make the throws.
  14. He is just super limited. Out routes? Forget it. That's a pick six. Quick slants? Better be off play action and the LBs better bite. Deep ball? Just LOL. The guy can basically throw screens and drags. Everything else better be WIDE. ASS. OPEN.
  15. Kenny Pickett has an average at best NFL arm and get watching him throw the ball it feels like watching Brett Favre after watching Bryce. I thought Bryce's arm was NFL average prior to the draft. I was wrong. It ain't even close to NFL average. There aren't many "NFL throws" he can make. Receivers have to be NFL wide ass open for him to be able to fit the ball into them.
  16. Let me tell you something, he was a product of that Philly OL. They're still running wild without him.
  17. Hey, we get another week of Darin Gantt being Tepper's lapdog and trashing the fanbase for expecting anything other than trash.
  18. You have a dangerous swiss army knife who can make things happen after the catch. But... well, fug it. Frank's play calling is trash. Our overall offensive weapons are trash. And our QB is REALLY limited. The result is that we all saw.
  19. It's rough watching division rival coaches trying to talk to your rookie QB after the game to try to keep his chin up because it was just THAT bad. Man, this sucks.
  20. You KNOW it's bad when one of the leading Bryce stans on the board is making this thread.
  21. Adam Thielen put his hands up. *triggered JT O'Sullivan noises*
  22. Maybe the Saints going prevent will give Bryce and company a little confidence going into next week.
  23. Well, that's game for sure. I'd consider not putting Bryce back in. He is SHOOK. He's either gonna refuse to go down field or throw a pick. Just let Dalton bring us home to the L.
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