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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I hope so and I honestly thought so pre-draft but through two weeks it hasn't been the case so far on an NFL field.
  2. I don't care about the stat sheet. Watch the player. Where are the throws that show NFL arm talent? Where are the plays that make you think "okay, I see why we gambled on this guy". I just don't see it. I don't expect to see an elite QB right now. I just want to see flashes of talent that makes me believe that he can become elite. I'm just not seeing them.
  3. Where have I mentioned his height? His height is far less concerning to me at this point than his arm talent. I honestly haven't seen a starting QB around the NFL this year who has lesser arm talent. He hasn't shown any ability to generate velocity. So if you want to try to drift ducks around the field you better have a helluva OL and WRs who can create miles of separation to make that work.
  4. I said it last night during the 1st half. This play calling is screaming "I don't trust me my QB" and I wonder if it's not having an impact on Bryce's confidence. If he's as football savvy as advertised he's not ignorant of this.
  5. Sure there is but I'm not sure that's a recipe for success given Bryce's physical limitations. You might have to recreate what the Dolphins have built around Tua. Good luck with that.
  6. I just think he knows he doesn't have the arm to fit the ball into those tight windows so he's trying to make throws where if he misses it'll be a safe miss and he's just plain missing trying to do that
  7. I'm just saying we're going to have to find receivers that can get wide ass open to make this work. Everything seems broken right now. We can't throw so we want to run heavier formations to run the ball better but then when we try to pass out of those formations there's too much traffic in front of Bryce for him to see the field.
  8. Screens, drags, and wide ass open. That's about the only throws I'm seeing that Bryce is going to be able to make consistently at this level. Yeah, it's seriously concerning. Better find some Tyreek Hills and Justin Jeffersons.
  9. It was pretty wild how people saw that final drive as being so promising when all we did was throw check downs because the Saints were playing soft zone coverage to avoid giving up a quick score. I thought it was pretty chicken poo of them given how dominant their D had been but they were literally inviting the check down to be thrown.
  10. I haven't given up hope yet but I'm officially nervous as hell.
  11. I just feel duped and yeah, that pisses me off. This "all-star staff" looks just like Rhule and company. Our super processing football savant rookie QB looks like Jimmy Clausen. I understand the need for development and getting systems in place, etc. I just really wanted to see signs of competence from our coaching staff and some flashes from our rookie QB that we mortgaged the franchise to draft showing the talent you need at QB to compete for SBs in the NFL. It's still very early on but I'm still waiting on any signs of either.
  12. I wish TMJ was a JAG at this point because he's looking more like a flat out bust.
  13. Hey, we might get that tank season now. Unfortunately it's after we traded that 1st rounder away.
  14. It worked for them because their team believed in them. If a guy playing like Bryce tries to go all rah rah at some point you're gonna tell the kid to just STFU until he makes a throw or two.
  15. I think it's because every time he's tried to fit the ball in its either picked or nearly picked. So now he's tried to start floating them in and is choosing to miss safe if he's gonna miss. Trying to float those balls into traffic at this level requires perfect accuracy. There's just no room for error at all. Bryce is going to need to have an Einstein level football brain because he's working with some really physical limitations. He was a great college player but he might be a coach at the NFL level.
  16. I couldn't help but think last night watching Bryce throw that god this looks like Cam after his shoulder fell apart.
  17. Hey, I've been on the fire Fitts train for nearly a year now.
  18. One of Bryce's primary strengths was supposed to be his ability to throw on the move from different arm angles etc.
  19. This is what I'm not understanding from the cope brigade. You don't trade everything we did to draft a QB that needs to be surrounded by an All-Pro supporting cast. Lots of QBs could be successful in a perfectly ideal situation. Those just don't really exist in the NFL. Every roster has holes.
  20. The entire opposing D is within 10 yards of the LOS most plays. We had a 3rd and 9 last night and the Saints had 9 men on the LOS and the safeties were standing at the first down sticks. Until we can create some sort of down field threat life is going to be very difficult on offense. Defenses are just keying on the run and short passing game because that's all we've been able to execute so far.
  21. Where's the "hate"? The guy is very physically limited at the NFL level and it's concerning. It doesn't mean he'll be a bust but it does mean there is a lot less room for error building a team around him.
  22. My biggest concern is that the talent problem might start at QB. Outside of creating a Dolphins type situation with elite weapons everywhere and a great OL I'm just not sure Bryce has the physical tools to be successful at this level. And it's hard to build that type of surrounding talent after giving up all that capital in a trade.
  23. He's also surrounded by the best offensive supporting cast in football. I don't think we have the resources to accomplish that anytime soon given that trade.
  24. It's massively concerning. It doesn't matter how good of a processor you are if you don't have the ability to make the throws. That's what it looks like to me. Most of the throws Bryce has made into traffic more than 10 yards down field has either been picked, a near pick, or a safe miss. He just can't drive the ball in there and trying to float them in at this level required otherworldly accuracy. He gets caught hesitating because he isn't confident he has the arm to make the throws. I'm just concerned Bryce doesn't have the physical tools to deliver.
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