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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The D has woke up. Not letting Pitt out-physical them and Chizik has realized that this QB is very limited throwing the football. That moron just about got a safety there.
  2. Anytime you have a mobile QB putting your QB on the move with a run/pass option on the goal line is just a no brainer IMO.
  3. What the hell was that 3rd down play call?
  4. I hate this motherfuger and his bullshit "coaching".
  5. Nice return. Give me a play action endzone shot right now. On 1st down. Go deep NOW.
  6. Nice job D. Glad Pitt stopped running the football.
  7. 3rd and 11 against an awful passing offense. Gotta get off the field here
  8. Pitt has always given us fits under this Narduzzi douchebag. His teams are dirty as poo but the media just calls them "scrappy".
  9. That was another block in the back. This one went uncalled.
  10. Oh look, Narduzzi acting like a whiny dickhead. So shocking.
  11. We need a turnover because this D is gonna get the ball crammed down their throat all night long.
  12. Not good. This team wasn't ready to go tonight. Absolutely sleepwalking.
  13. Narduzzi is such a whiny twat. He's wish.com Coach K.
  14. We better be ready to put up 40 because I've seen this movie before. It doesn't matter if we're facing a trash offense or not, this D isn't gonna stop anything all night tonight.
  15. He's not a game day tactician. He's a recruiter and program builder. He's never been a good Xs and Is game day coach. His national championship is due to Vince Young going beast mode.
  16. We're gonna have to win a shootout against one of the worst offenses in D1 P5.
  17. Right as I type that and we completely blow a coverage downfield. For those uninitiated, this is UNC football in recent years. Our D is extremely hit or miss with significantly more of the latter than the former.
  18. We need to put 10 men on the LOS already. It's nothing by runs and screens. I honestly don't think they've thrown beyond the LOS yet and yet they're moving the ball at will.
  19. Good answer by the Heels. D was sleepwalking. Offense was sleep walking prior to the Maye scramble. Hopefully the team is woke up now.
  20. Maye is just trying to do too much though. The check down was there. Just take it.
  21. Just report it. The spammers always hit one of the least visited subforums on the site for some reason.
  22. Looks like UNC's D will be showing up every other week.
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