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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. We have to grade on a serious curve. For Bryce through three games, this was an insane awesome throw. If you watch most other NFL QBs this throw just doesn't stand out.
  2. Hell no to Adams. The last thing this team needs to be doing right now is trading future assets for a 30 year old bandaid.
  3. I'm talking about your rationale on this matter. That's all. I have no issues with you personally. I just think your really want to believe all is well and you're doing whatever you can to convince yourself of it. That doesn't mean that I have an issue with you personally. We all have biases. You're being ridiculously sensitive about a difference of opinion on football.
  4. I just disagree with you, that's all. You don't have to take it personally because I don't mean it personally. It's okay for people to have different takes. There would be no point in discussion if everyone agreed.
  5. And I've shared mine. I honestly think you're deluding yourself and desperately trying to find a play here and there and convince yourself that a pretty ordinary play is special instead of looking at the full picture and not grading on a curve trying to find something positive.
  6. I'm just calling it like I see it same as you. Sorry, I'm just seeing very little positive and I'm not going to twist and turn to try to convince myself otherwise. You're free to disagree and free to share your own takes. That's how this whole thing works.
  7. If you can't or refuse to see the difference I can't help you.
  8. Why don't you just leave? If we're ball idiots and all you're gonna do is complain about other people posting just leave. I hate to tell you, but when you engage with other people you will sometimes encounter differing opinions.
  9. The one I distinctly recall was the ball from our opponents' goal line to an open streaking Mingo. It should've been a 99 yard TD but it was probably only thrown about 20 yards past the LOS.
  10. That dude is not making any cases. Keep being positive. I don't agree but I legitimately appreciate it different takes. Feel free to use the ignore feature on the forum if you need.
  11. This. Unless you're Andy Reid let your OC do his job.
  12. Do you have anything to add to a conversation or are you just going to continue to complain about other people posting?
  13. I'll love to be wrong. All I can go off of is what I'm seeing though. I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and act like everything is just fine. But you do you.
  14. Yeah, when Bryce tried to throw downfield last game to a receiver who was held and slowed down and the ball still came up horrible short that was super confidence inspiring. Receivers flailing into trailing DBs and getting automatic flags on underthrown deep balls is becoming commonplace in today's NFL. Maybe that needs to become our deep threat strategy.
  15. It's isn't some insane awesome throw. It's a good throw that I expect any NFL QB to be able to make. If that's the shining jewel to hang your hat on after three starts...well, that's my point. Hell, I HOPE I'm wrong. I hope Bryce is great. I'm not anti-Bryce. He seems like a great guy... who just hasn't shown NFL caliber talent through three games.
  16. Generally, me neither. But I think I could put on a happy face for millions of dollars.
  17. I'm kinda amazed at how willing so many people are to just completely ignore how much different and more effective our passing game looked in Seattle with Dalton at QB. The excuse at the time was that the Seahawks were a terrible defense but then so are the Vikings and Bryce looked like Bryce again.
  18. I mean, if Joe is right and Tepper basically had veto power and he wanted Bryce then what was he to do? Throw a fit? I mean, at some point when you know the writing is on the wall you either have to quit and walk away from millions or you have to suck it up and put on a happy face and sell your locker room on this being your guy.
  19. Did the Jags have good reason to think that Trevor was seriously physically limited in what he can do on an NFL football field?
  20. Fitts ain't done yet. He's already rivaling that and is just now hitting his desperation phase. Hold on to your butts...
  21. We've had some really bad ones but honestly... yeah, it's really starting to look like that's the case.
  22. Probably some guy Fitts was high on in the draft that's stuck at #4 WR on a bad offense.
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