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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I agree that Bryce isn't the problem. Neither is Reich or Fitterer or the roster. The problem is on the owner suite. Those other people are part of the problem but ultimately David Tepper is THE problem.
  2. @Mr. Scot whether you stick around or not I wish you and yours nothing but the best brother.
  3. Yep, that's him. He's probably a SS in today's game if he could even play. It's just a different era of passing game and speed/quickness is king.
  4. I mean, yeah. Pretty much. And ironically, I don't even think the Legion of Boom approach to the secondary even translates well to today's game. I mean, Sherman and Earl Thomas do but Chancellor is a LB in today's game and I don't see that other big CB that played opposite Sherman (can't remember his name off hand) translating well to today's game.
  5. I'm being completely honest. We can't look at the offense it became in 2011 and became in 2023. Make an honest appraisal of the talent going into those seasons. There isn't this massive difference you're trying to make. Smitty barely had over 550 yards in 2010. Under 1000 in 2009. A lot of us thought he was basically washed up. The 2011 offense VASTLY exceeded all expectations. This year's has vastly underperformed. I don't think the QB position is the sole reason behind that, but I think it's a big part of the story. I keep going back to that Seattle game when there was a change at QB.
  6. I really don't. That's the honest truth. We had two good RBs in 2011 but we went out and signed a 1200+ yard RB this year. He looks like a bust of a signing but is it because of him or us or a combo of the two? We went out and signed Shockey and traded for Olsen in 2011. Olsen became great but he was a disappointment of a 1st round pick when we traded for him. We went out and signed a high level FA TE this year. I didn't like the signing but it is what it is. We thought he was going to really help. He was basically an Olsen level acquisition if you look at their comparative prior performances. Our #2 and #3 WRs were Brandon Lafell and Legedu Naanee. Look at what those guys accomplished sans Cam Newton. We had a pretty good OL in 2011. Gross, Wharton, and Kalil made up the best left side we've ever had. On the right we had a JAG in Hangartner and a disaster in Bell. This year we have a top 10 pick LT who was very promising as a rookie, a good center, trash OGs, and the best overall OT we've had since Gross at RT. I'd take the 2011 OL but it's not like they were this years Niners. I just think it's a lot of cope and revisionism to paint the 2011 offense as leaps and bounds better based on what we understood going into those seasons. All I'm gonna say is that there's a big reason why QB is considered the most important position in all of sports. The right guy makes everything look better.
  7. He usually makes them. That's the difference. When you make a trade like this you think you're getting a QB that can elevate an offense. What it looks like we actually got is a QB that needs the offense to elevate him.
  8. I honestly don't know. I don't know if that system and surrounding talent would've been enough. I'm afraid he might need a Niners or Dolphins type situation.
  9. They were especially tiers better at the QB position.
  10. Why is it that the fans who are trying to remain hopeful are so bothered by the frustrated fans? If it's not working for you, no one is forcing you to hang around. I'm not judging you for your optimism. But the optimistic sure do seem to be getting increasingly judgemental.
  11. Then what exactly do you mean? It just seems like the people wanting to remain hopeful have simply redirected their ire at the fans who are disgusted with what they're seeing
  12. Would you be happier if we just banned any and all dissent? Would that make it easier for you? When you're 0-5 and have a streak of losing seasons leading up to being 0-5 you're not going to find a lot of positive takes. Sorry.
  13. Just listen to the man himself. Every time we make on of these bold moves he's there to give a presser and proudly brag about his personal involvement in this decision. Then when it inevitably goes to poo he fades into the background until he throws someone under the bus then he's back in the spotlight once again bragging about his personal involvement in this decision and something about mediocrity not being tolerated and something about analytics and moving forward with a plan.
  14. So goes the team so goes the fanbase. When the team is a clusterfug the fandom will be a clusterfug. This isn't a new phenomenon. I'm just going to go back to my pre-Peppers ways. Keep an eye on the Panthers out of casual interest since they're the local team but other than that generally just watch whatever the best matchup is at that time and follow players that interest me on other teams. It's just not worth it to stay heavily emotionally invested in this organization right now. It's like staying in an abusive relationship at this point.
  15. These are all Tepper's people. Ever since he decided to start putting his stamp on the football side of the house after focusing on the business side in year one we've been on a freefall to the bottom.
  16. A lot of injuries on D. A lot of turnovers and just ineffectiveness on offense putting more pressure on the D. It's all just a recipe for disaster. 0-5 ain't a fluke. We've earned it.
  17. It was time to stick with Dalton after Bryce struggled early on and Dalton looked a lot better in Seattle. Milk the ankle excuse. Ride Dalton until the bye and see where we are. He probably tails off considerably and you use the bye to get Bryce fully ready after some weeks of learning from the bench without the pressures of playing. If we somehow manage a respectable record and Dalton is playing well keep riding the Red Rifle until the wheels fall off. But once you went back to Bryce now I think you're committed to it. If you sit him at this point without an injury excuse the entire football media is gonna be screaming BUST and it's going to put even more pressure on the kid.
  18. Yeah, two blowouts going into the bye and I would fully expect some changes over the bye week. At least that's one week the Panthers won't take an L... unless we get bilked in another trade.
  19. NIL money is definitely going to hugely change these decisions. When you can get paid millions in college there isn't this desperate need to go pro as early as possible.
  20. Lance has all the physical tools you want. But yeah, he's a complete bust. That's why all they could get for him was a 4th. That's way less than the Jets could even get for Darnold. It is what it is, man. Most highly drafted busts have elite physical talent, that's why they were highly drafted to begin with. You are deluding yourself if you think the Niners didn't do their damnedest to develop this guy after making that trade. He just wasn't it.
  21. Yeah, the Niners are better everywhere from the owners suite to the front office to the coaching staff to the roster, hell probably down to the equipment manager and water boy.
  22. Think back to Cam's rookie year. How many games would we have won with a D that was simply not atrocious. That guy went out there and gave us a fighting chance. Bruce just can't do that or at least hasn't shown that he can do far. Bryce needs the team to give him a fighting chance. That's the difference between a dude and a JAG.
  23. I'm perfectly happy to be wrong. Hell, I HOPE that I'm wrong. But I'm not going to delude myself and twist and turn to try to paint a rosy picture. The picture is what it is.
  24. Which is a HUGE problem when you make a massive trade up to take a guy #1 overall. You're making that move for an elite talent who can elevate the guys around him. Bryce looks like his ceiling is probably a JAG. He's going to be as good or as bad as the situation around him.
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