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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The Packers were past due for a dud after 30 years of Favre and Rodgers. That's crazy to think about. Up until this year the Packers have had a HOF QB for all of the Panthers' existence.
  2. Straight from his mouth. He's said it. Now with that said, everyone in and around the program assumes he's gone.
  3. I really don't think this narrative is accurate. The guy hold the ball forever and the NFL is more and more becoming a league about getting the ball out as fast as possible. If Caleb can't speed up his processing I don't think he's going to translate.
  4. Realistically speaking, the Panthers are gonna give him at least two seasons. Let's just hope by the end of next season we know for sure. He's either killing it or Clausen'ing us back to #1.
  5. I haven't watched an NBA game in over a decade.
  6. I turned it off at halftime. Just wasn't worth watching
  7. I think a big factor is defenses are adapting. NFL offenses have been becoming more and more college like with spread formations, lots more passing, an emphasis on getting the ball out quick, etc. and defenses are starting to adapt and catch up. It feels like these days you have a handful of elite offenses, another handful of good offenses, and then a whole lot of bad offenses. I don't know what the next rule changes will be to get more consistent scoring but it'll probably be something to help out the pass blockers because these OL are just getting whooped by defenses. They can't block these guys.
  8. The NFL honestly does feature a lot of bad football these days. Just being honest. By and large the college game is generally a better product and I'm not just saying that because my college team is a lot better than my pro team. Casually watching games that I have no rooting interest in, the college games just generally tend to be better.
  9. What are you talking about? There literally wasn't a poster on this forum more against that Sam Darnold trade than me. They're just of a similar mold. They both have high level physical talent but they're not QBs. Lance is a bust. Sorry, man. I get it, we all like prospects in drafts that end up busting. It is what it is. It happens to coaches and scouts and GMs too. Don't feel bad about it. But don't be in delusional denial either.
  10. I think rookie Stroud is quite a bit better than current Dalton and Dalton looked quite a bit better than Bryce, so...
  11. If we had Stroud and he was rewriting rookie record books no one would be saying this. There's never a bad time to land a franchise QB.
  12. Speed is speed but some routes allow for a higher max speed than others.
  13. He needs to be playing LB. It's so obvious at this point and I'm someone who defended him playing (strong) safety for a long time. He's a LB. Pure and simple. If we insist on not playing him at LB then yeah we need to just trade him already.
  14. Types of routes matter a lot. You're not gonna run a drag as fast as a g you're not going to run a slant as fast as a post. When everyone is fast and they're all playing slow it's probably not because of each individual player. That's all I'm saying.
  15. He's not playing well. It's really obvious. That doesn't mean he's definitely a bust. But the handful of kf folks who can't take any Bryce criticism are just not being rational in my honest opinion.
  16. Rout running absolutely matters but fast is fast. If you're fast you're just gonna run a sloppy route but you're gonna do it moving fast. It won't be crisp, it might not be right, you might be rounding off your cuts, etc. But you're going to physically be moving fast even if you're not getting A to B on the field efficiently.
  17. Thanks. We really try to let people speak their minds. We don't censor any football opinions. Pretty much the only things that get hands smacked around here are over the top or constant personal attacks or personal bickering and getting political. Other than that, pretty much have at it. And hell, even then if you want you can go to the TB and do all the personal attacking and political nonsense you want. Pretty much the only thing that is out of bounds over there is doxxing, blatant racism, and death threats. Seriously.
  18. Actually it's just the max speed on the route. So you could suck getting off the line, making your breaks, etc. as long as you were running fast somewhere along the way.
  19. I do want to know about this methodology though. Is a screen a "route" because if so, then yeah our average route speed is gonna be sloooooow.
  20. 40 time isn't everything for sure and good route runners will be faster on the field than bad route runners, but when everyone has good 40 tikes and everyone is playing slow there's a bigger problem than the physical speed of the players.
  21. Seriously. I've been saying it for awhile. If I was Tepper, the phone call would go something along the lines of... "Listen, I admit it. I thought this was going to be easy. I thought I was going to come into the NFL with a new way of thinking and analysis and just dominate the league. But it hasn't been easy and I have fuged everything up and the harder I try the worse I fug things up. I know you're retired and I'm not asking you to be the GM or really any long-term role. What I'm asking of you and is to come in on a consultant basis and build me a football organization that will consistently field a team that I can be proud of. I swear to god I'll butt out and leave them alone. So here it is, blank check (within reason) to build the football organization of your dreams and then ride away into the sunset or hang around in a consultant role if you choose. I just desperately need help cleaning up the mess I've made."
  22. Look at the stands. Notice the lack of Panthers gear folks are wearing when you're out and about. Tepper is killing this fanbase with his product. If we banned people for being negative there would be about five posters left.
  23. So why is this? I mean, we all knew Thielen had lost a step so that's not surprising. But DJ Chark ran a 4.34. TMJ ran a 4.38. Mingo ran a 4.46. These guys are fast. How are we making them look slow? This is a coaching/system issue more than it is a physical lack of speed issue.
  24. I have to admit that this is not what I thought he meant when he assured us that our days of mediocrity were over. I mean, technically speaking he did not lie but I find myself longing for the days of mediocrity.
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