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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Here we go. Hit 'em now. Go bomb squad right out of the gate
  2. I've never been nearly as high on Williams as everyone else has been. I guess I'm just kinda immune to watching Lincoln Riley QBs look god-like. My big hang up has always been how long he holds into the ball.
  3. Carolina pretty much played like poo in the 1st half and had damn near 100 penalty yards. Yet we're only down 3 and we get the ball. I think we're fine.
  4. We need to teach Desmond Evans how to fuging lineup. That's two blatant offsides this drive.
  5. Yeah, I generally despise pieces of poo. Especially when everyone wants to celebrate them.
  6. Holy poo, Nix. You gotta just throw that screen in the dirt. You got your RB murdered. What a beautiful hit and tackle though.
  7. Wonder how many kids got left high and dry there when he bolted after they came there on Deion's pitch about building up HBCU, etc. Deion was all about HBCU until a better opportunity came knocking. Deion is all about Deion. Everyone else is just supporting cast in the Prime Show.
  8. We have two TEs paid like legit starters while getting terrible production out of the position. Nice job, Fitts!
  9. He's fuging terrible. Imagine making as much money as he had to be that terrible at something. Sweet gig.
  10. I think people are way overdoing it. All 22 if his starters were starting somewhere last year. It's not like he took over a bad program and coached the kids up. He left all those kids hung out to dry and told them to fug off. Kind of like he did at Prime Prep Academy when kids couldn't get academic eligibility because Prime Prep Academy was just an outright scam. Deion is a piece of poo and this celebration is gonna end badly. Deion is gonna do what Deion does and it'll fug over a lot of kids in the process. I'm honestly surprised a school like CU fell for this. It'll end badly for them.
  11. Michigan has gotten off to a lot of slow starts this year but so far they've always found a way to get it going.
  12. He's just all over the place. Sometimes looks like the guy who was projected to potentially go #1 overall and sometimes looks like a UDFA.
  13. Yeah, I definitely don't get that. This is the best overall team we've had in a looooong time. Maybe the Peppers Peach Bowl team.
  14. Win out and beat FSU in the ACC CG and we have a great shot at the playoffs though. Every game is high stakes because to have any shot at the playoffs we have to go undefeated. There's no two ways about it.
  15. Nice race card, pal. Enjoy getting excited about celebrities and building strawmen for when people make fun of you for having the fan mentality of a middle schooler. THAT'S what I'm mocking you for. Everybody else wants to watch Mahomes and Kelce and you get excited about Taylor Swift like you're a 13 year old girl. Don't talk to me about a clown.
  16. You're not a Colorado homer. Your loyalty goes no further than whatever the next hype train is. Let a mumble rapper show up on a sideline and you're gonna get real excited.
  17. Only one of us has been talking about Colorado in a Pac-12 championship.
  18. When you talk all that smack after jumping on a bandwagon you need to hear about it.
  19. I just don't know if it's built to last long-term. Deion hogs the whole spotlight and elite recruits want some of it too. Like Suge Knight said about Puffy back in the day
  20. I think Deion is getting exposed as a hype man, not a coach. But you can go along way in college football as a recruiter. I mean, a lot of really good college coaches aren't really great Xs and Os guys or great game day tacticians.
  21. No, I think the point is laughing at you going on and on crying about it. Jeudy didn't understand who he was fuging with and found out. And we found out Smitty was right in the process. Everyone learned something that day.
  22. When you get in a spat with a media personality with a constant access to a microphone... well, maybe just be smart enough not to do that. Or, do what Smitty suggested. SHOW UP. But when you get publicly called out and annihilated, dance like an idiot in the background, then put up 3 catches for 14 yards with the only positive one being a play schemed up to put you at RB to get you one on one with a LB... well, you're a JAG and a clown. You just proved Smitty right. You had an opportunity to rub Smitty's nose in it and you did the opposite.
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