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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I would've preferred to not trade a king's ransom to draft a QB that had so many physical limitations.
  2. I'll stop talking about his limitations when he stops obviously displaying them.
  3. Listen y'all, I just wanna give you fair warning. Zod is on the war path and the folks who do nothing but bash other posters for not being eternally hopeful and the site because we don't censor all dissent while pretending everything is fine with the team are getting clipped. Don't say you weren't warned.
  4. He ain't average. We have a below average TE and a trash tier TE. One making average starter money and the other making low level starter/high end backup money.
  5. The reality is that they wanted to fast track Tepper into the good old boys club and they knew that JR didn't have a succession plan and the team would be sold upon his passing anyway so that just hit the fast forward button on that. I'm honestly surprised they didn't do it to Snyder first though. I'm sure Tepper would've preferred the bigger market that's closer to his New Jersey home.
  6. We badly overpaid. That's what I'm saying.
  7. People being negative about the terrible team bothers you more than the team being terrible?
  8. Hell, I'm trying to think of the most recent merch I've bought. Honestly, it's probably a Cam jersey from nearly a decade ago.
  9. And kickball. Don't forget he brought professional soccer here, though I hear they're terrible too.
  10. I haven't bought a ticket or a stitch of merchandise since he bought the franchise.
  11. Seriously, the guy was publicly groping his wife on stage. You really mean to tell me there aren't some women out there willing to come forward with allegations of misconduct? We need a hail Mary here. Forcing Tepper out really feels like the only hope for salvation.
  12. There isn't anyone in the NFL that I would honestly favor is to beat. That doesn't mean we'll go winless but I do think we're the worst team in the league.
  13. It's gonna take a pretty epic push to dislodge a turd this enormous.
  14. We are complete ass. Tepper took a below average franchise that occasionally has good seasons and turned it into an absolute doormat.
  15. It's really not. Look at his career. He's a disappointment of a 1st round pick journeyman who bounces around because no one finds he's worth retaining.
  16. You trying to get a job offer from Tepper? Because honestly, that might be spot on.
  17. Hurst is paid like a legit starter. He ain't.
  18. Let's ban the bot. It's time.
  19. OOF. That's as bad of a pick six as you'll see in the NFL.
  20. Maybe we'll see some more great signings like Miles Sanders and Hayden Hurst.
  21. Okay. If you think we were beating Miami playing it safe I don't know what to tell you.
  22. I agree. It's basically seeing reality vs. delusion. It's okay to say that Bryce is still showing some concerning limitations while also playing significantly better.
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