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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. THIS IS A SINCERE OFFER. I guess y'all thought I was trolling. Honest to god I'm not. If y'all want a positive vibes only thread I'll give you one and enforce it.
  2. I was. But then the positive crowd came with negativity. I didn't want to deal with the howling from banning them for it.
  3. Just not accurate. I'd love to be wrong about Bryce. Unfortunately, so far I have been. I'm ready to be wrong again though.
  4. There's a block feature. Feel free to use it. Some of y'all really must not remember all the mocking TeDdY cAn'T tHrOw DeEp posts every time he'd complete a pass over 10 yards. I'm just sayin'... it's the same vibes.
  5. Chuba is easily our best RB and Piniero is a solid kicker. Yes. Bryce looked the best he has so far yesterday but I just don't know what his ceiling is if he can't threaten defenses vertically
  6. I'm not calling his arm average. It looks considerably below average IMO. I thought it was NFL average pre-draft. I think I was wrong.
  7. For the umpteenth time. The. Offer. Was. Sincere. If y'all wanted a positive vibes only thread I'd give you one and enforce it. I don't think there's any actual desire for it. I think some folks just want to take their frustrations out on fellow fans instead of directing them at the team/organization causing the frustrations
  8. I don't care about this mythical "true #1" but I honestly don't think you can name 32 better NFL WRs than Tee Higgins.
  9. We take too many fliers on pure measurables prospects. I'm all about it occasionally. Sometimes you can hit some real home runs. But when you look at most of our picks since Rhule was hired it's like we're just taking the highest rated RAS prospect on the board. We need to try to win football games, not the Combine.
  10. It was a sincere offer. That's the problem. Everything right now is taken in the worst of possible context. I can't fix that.
  11. I'd honestly rather look to FA for WR and use #33 elsewhere.
  12. Ugh. I'd rather not. Have we ever had a 2nd round WR pick work out? We sure have drafted a bunch of duds.
  13. That's the thing. I WAS positive. Then preseason started and we looked terrible. I shared my concerns as did others. We were roundly mocked for not understanding the NFL and how preseason doesn't matter and how everything will look so much different and better once we started game planning So... when does preseason endband this game planning begin? I'm ready for us to look much different and better.
  14. It was a sincere offer. Straight up. If people actually wanted a positivity thread I'd provide it and enforce it.
  15. You honestly can. You don't like it but you can take it. Others can't. Anything not glowingly positive sends them into a spiral. We're 0-6. We are at or near the bottom of the league in most passing metrics. Bryce hasn't been able to demonstrate an ability to effectively throw beyond 29 yards. THAT is the flash that I want to see.
  16. Unpinning. The offer was made and it's unwanted so stop complaining.
  17. Well, I tried. Note who brought the negativity to the positive vibes only thread. Someone is most certainly throwing a hissy fit. Honestly, I'd create a positive takes only sub-forum if I could but I'm just a lowly mod.
  18. Based on what? Where is the actual proof that he can effectively throw deep in the NFL?
  19. It's clear that there are some posters here that do not want to encounter any less than glowing opinions regarding the Panthers. This is your thread where I promise there will be no negativity allowed here. Seriously, I'll ban folks. The people who want only be positive should have a place to go.
  20. I just asked a simple question. Why so sensitive? Am I actually wrong that this is all very similar to Teddy's time here?
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