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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Word was that he was fired when he was in Indy because the locker room had just completely quit on him.
  2. I think he was convinced Teddy was going to be an MVP caliber QB too.
  3. These clowns thought their "point guard" could make below average weapons serviceable. It's the opposite. You need weapons to lift this type of QB up.
  4. Winning cures everything. If we start winning the positive vibes only crowd will poo post for a few weeks dunking on the frustrated crowd and then after that most everyone will be happy.
  5. Yeah, I would consider Samuel a good 2nd round pick.
  6. There's too many of them for a dedicated thread to make sense and I don't get any reported posts or cries for moderation from them.
  7. We have some coming up. I hope he lights it up and shuts me up.
  8. There's only a handful of posters who insist on positive opinions only. I'd offer a forum if I could create one.
  9. Our average scoring margin is a two possession defeat. We were only within one possession twice and one of those was just barely at 8 points. We gotta start actually competing first then we can worry about winning.
  10. It's why I thought that Ickey might end up as an OG in the NFL.
  11. Seems like anyone who disagrees with you is automatically "lazy and ridiculous" so whatever.
  12. Agreed. You don't have to throw deep a lot, but you do have to go deep effectively enough to establish the threat. It gets really tough to effectively move the football when the entire field is redzone offense.
  13. Agreed. I think he's a good player, he's just not a good LT in our system. He's probably an OG in this type of offense.
  14. This is the problem. For some posters anything that doesn't fit their viewpoint is trolling. The comp to Teddy was sincere. Both Bryce and Teddy are good QBs in the short to mid-range game but struggle to threaten the defense vertically. When Teddy was our QB, there were a handful of positive vibes only posters who would always make sarcastic posts anytime Teddy would complete a pass over 10 yards. It feels like the same thing all over again.
  15. He excelled last year in a more power run oriented offense. I just don't know that he's the right style of LT in our current offense. He's probably always going to be more of a power oriented player. We just have square pegs in round holes all over this roster IMO.
  16. 4/7 on 20+ yard passes. Bryce has the same number of 20+ yard attempts in 5 games. That's not an attempt to troll. I'm just pointing out that a change at QB produced a passing game that looked entirely different even though the OL struggled mightily per usual.
  17. My concern is that Bryce is so far lookng like the type of QB that is going to need an ideal supporting cast and system. That's going to be hard to create and definitely not what you're looking for when you make that type of trade.
  18. I wasn't just talking about how Bryce was playing. I was also talking about the forum vibes.
  19. I said it at the time. If you're making this trade you CAN'T include your only proven WR in it. You just can't. Given that I need to build around this rookie QB, Ickey and DJ would've been my two absolute red lines in terms of players involved in the trade.
  20. Way too many threads devolve into posters just attacking each other over opposing views. There's honestly no many positive only posters left, hence the offer to give them their own thread. Hell, I'd give them their own forum if it was up to me.
  21. I convinced myself I was fine with any of Richardson, Stroud, or Bryce. I could fully understand the arguments for and against all three. But I wanted Richardson and I'd be panicking over his injury concerns if we'd drafted him. So I would've fuged it up too.
  22. Let me put it this way. I have no interest in another Scott Fitterer 2nd round WR looking at TMJ and Mingo.
  23. This. I really don't understand the mocking posts when this was literally the messaging from the organization.
  24. Honestly, I didn't mind the trade. We correctly assessed that we were too low to have a shot at one of the top QB prospects at #9. Evidently we were targeting #3 but the cost differential wasn't all that different to get to #1 so why not? We played much better down the stretch last year and had every reasonable expectation to believe that with better coaching we weren't going to be in a position. To draft any higher the following year. It was a rare situation where there were #1 overall caliber QB prospects available and the team sitting at #1 didn't want a QB so it was available. Sometimes you have to be willing to roll the dice and take your shot. No one would be complaining about the trade right now if Bryce was playing like that other rookie QB.
  25. Ever since Smitty there's a lot of our fanbase that thinks anyone who isn't arguably the best WR in the NFL isn't a "true #1". Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a guy like that again but there's only a handful in the league at any given time.
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