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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Definitely possible. I think he was primarily signed as a security blanket for Bryce, not to carry the brunt of the load in the passing game.
  2. That seems extremely generous. If I could turn Burns and Horn into three 1sts I'm absolutely doing that. It just seems like we don't want to pay Burns' asking price and given that he's kind of a one trick pony I don't really have an issue with that. Horn is a very good CB when available but you're only as good as your availability and he's rarely available.
  3. I get it. I just don't think we're anywhere close to being in that 2015 roster building mindset and if we trade Burns I'd rather it be for a quality player under 30 or a premium pick(s). Trading a 25 year ,old pass rusher for a 30 year old WR feels like a "get over the hump" much more than it feels like oart of a roster rebuild and I think we need to be in the latter mindset.
  4. Who has said he can't help us now? But honestly, this season is a lost cause. I'm way more focused on getting guys who can help us in the future. Not sure if a 30 year old WR fits into that picture.
  5. Oh, for sure. There are definitely exceptions. But there's a loooooooong list of guys who fall off after 30 who keep falling off.
  6. Absolutely. But he's also still absolutely on the physical decline. That's why he's having to do his damage largely out of the slot against nickels, safeties, and LBs instead of on the outside against starting CBs like he used to in his prime.
  7. Thielen is on the decline. He's still an effective receiver but he's clearly not the threat that he used to be
  8. Why is his role diminished? It very well could be because he's in the decline.
  9. The poll continues to hover right around 50%. Currently 34 yes, 33 no. If half the folks that take the effort to vote want it I'm gonna give them what they want.
  10. There's enough negativity and plenty of threads to discuss or poo post about the issues with the Panthers. This is a thread for good vibes only. Don't come in here with negativity, bait or trolling.
  11. You have to be a truly exceptional poo poster to get banned for anything non-egregious.
  12. I see plenty of poo posts from both sides. My point is that if you can't take it don't dish it out. The vast majority of reported posts come from the same handful of posters and most just get ignored. Just the truth.
  13. I only see reported posts and constant complaints about the forum from one side of the fray.
  14. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hsqW68/
  15. An actual sincere offer to give folks their own dedicated thread that I commit to enforcing is interpreted as a temper tantrum. I mean, that says it all.
  16. It was me. He had the slowest average time to throw among all P5 QBs last year. He would've been at the bottom of the list in the NFL too. I bet he's at or hear the bottom again this year. Maybe he can, maybe he can't but he should've been working on that this past off-season because it's not going to be easy to speed it up in the NFL while in a more complex offense facing more complex defenses.
  17. Honestly the way I see it there seems to be a lot of folks who really bristle at encountering any differing opinion. When they do, that's all they can focus on. The thread is derailed. OMG, someone dared voice a differing opinion. I'm appalled. Then they complain for pages on end about how the thread has been derailed.... while actually actively derailing the thread. Newsflash, but it's possible for two reasonable people to watch the same exact thing and come away with differing opinions. And that's okay. What would be the point of a discussion if everyone agreed?
  18. Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is a helluva prospect. He checks a LOT of boxes. But slow processing speed will likely prove to be an Achilles heel if he can't speed it up.
  19. I really think some of the shine is going to come off of Williams when people stop watching him as a college QB and actually start evaluating him as an NFL prospect. Everything happens too slow for him after the snap. He just doesn't process quickly enough. I thought it might have just been a luxury of opportunity but the last two games suggest he can't speed it up even when he needs to. Maybe getting into the NFL and focusing heavily in that will help him but if he can't speed it up significantly it ain't gonna translate. You can't hold the ball as long as he does in the NFL.
  20. I very seriously doubt he would've gone ahead of Lawrence. Possibly Burrow due to the age and one year wonder concern. But Lawrence was nearly universally considered the best QB prospect since Luck.
  21. I still gotta admit that I'm pretty shocked at how hard Russell Wilson fell off. The Seahawks knew it and fleeced the hell out of the Broncos.
  22. Fitts drafting has been complete poo. Sure doesn't seem like it was just a Rhule problem like so many wanted to cling to. Hell, I didn't subscribe to that thought process but I hoped I was wrong. I absolutely wanted Fitts to follow Rhule out the door.
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