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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. If we lose this game the wheels are off. We might not win another one. Because this D has absolutely collapsed.
  2. We're about to be trailing barring GT shooting themselves in the dick.
  3. Alright Maye, that was one of those plays where we needed you to take the hit. Keep going upfield and it's probably 4th and 3ish and we're going for it. Goddamn it, he missed it. You gotta be fuging kidding me.
  4. Nesbitt is a matchup problem for GT. The only things that have stopped him tonight have been a phantom holding flag and a dropped ball.
  5. This D is done for the year. The UVA game broke them. We just gotta go back to playing like a Pac-12 team again like we have been up until this year when we knew our D sucked because they suck again now.
  6. I thought we had a breakout star earlier this year in McCollum too... then he had one of the worst games I've ever seen a receiver have in that UVA game.
  7. Or, we can just throw a bomb. How about Chapman??? Big return followed by a deep ball TD! Hell yeah kid!
  8. Normally I'd want to take a shot here after that big return but this D needs a breather and a chance to get their poo together.
  9. Aside from the App State game they had been playing well this year until last week. It just seems like shitting the bed against UVA absolutely shattered their confidence. There's missed assignments and missed tackles everywhere tonight. They're even worse tonight than last week. Uh oh! BIG RETURN!!!
  10. My hopes of an ACC CG appearance are dwindling. This D is absolutely reeling. They got rocked last week by the worst team in the schedule and it seems like it just obliterated their confidence.
  11. Oh look. Another bubble screen. I'm shocked. Gene Chizik needs his ass kicked.
  12. Too late now. TD GT. I don't understand only using timeouts as a clock management tool. You D is just getting fuging DRAGGED. Give them a chance to get their poo together.
  13. Call a timeout. fug clock management. You can't let your ad just get raw dogged all the way down the field.
  14. They are not wearing down announcer. They barely played in the 3rd. They're playing like poo. There's a difference. Yep, this is that 2nd quarter defense back again. Good grief.
  15. We kept their offense off the field for nearly the entire 3rd quarter. The D should be well rested going into the 4th. Let's see what they've got.
  16. I HATE that call on 3rd. Why are we trying to go wide there? Ugh. poo call Lindsey.
  17. Well, there was my 1st down play action shot. Not a great ball from Maye but Tez was pretty well covered too.
  18. The D has been very much improved after halftime. Not like it would've taken much. But there's white jerseys on the screen around their receivers when they pass. That seems like a good thing.
  19. There's nothing hot takes about that. CU might be the underdog in every single one of those games.
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