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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Agreed. I really appreciate him coming back and he did what we needed him to do. But it's time to find the successor.
  2. He did his job getting the program back on track but it does feel like we've hit our ceiling with him.
  3. Seriously. Fug the fug out of these fuging ACC fuging refs. GT has gotten away with 137 holds tonight.
  4. I don't know what this D did during the idle week, but my god they just fell apart. They were terrible against UVA and they've been a lot worse than that tonight. We gotta score a walk off TD. If there's time on the clock this D is gonna find a way to lose.
  5. Can we see a replay of where the kid went out of bounds? Because that's the key to this play. Because that's a catch
  6. Yep. Look at that. This is fuging pathetic. Somebody has to get fired in the defensive staff after these past two games. Straight up. Somebody's head has to roll.
  7. If we lose this game the wheels are off. We might not win another one. Because this D has absolutely collapsed.
  8. We're about to be trailing barring GT shooting themselves in the dick.
  9. Alright Maye, that was one of those plays where we needed you to take the hit. Keep going upfield and it's probably 4th and 3ish and we're going for it. Goddamn it, he missed it. You gotta be fuging kidding me.
  10. Nesbitt is a matchup problem for GT. The only things that have stopped him tonight have been a phantom holding flag and a dropped ball.
  11. This D is done for the year. The UVA game broke them. We just gotta go back to playing like a Pac-12 team again like we have been up until this year when we knew our D sucked because they suck again now.
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