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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. It's pretty embarrassing to watch, not gonna lie. Be happy for the W! Absolutely. But you're really gonna start strutting around and trying to take boatloads of poo after one win? Good grief.
  2. I wanted Richardson. Stroud has just been the best rookie QB so far by a decent margin.
  3. It's nice to not have to worry about the potential of 0-17.
  4. No more fears of going 0-17!!! Hey, that's something for real.
  5. We finally won a game and y'all dumbasses just wanna talk poo about me? Ahahahahahahaha!!!!! I love it!!!!
  6. Where do I root against the Panthers? I want Tepper to swallow his pride. He needs more embarrassment. I'm a long arc guy.
  7. For a defensive coach the Commanders' D is straight up embarrassing.
  8. Commanders come up short. McLaurin drops three crucial balls in the final minutes. Reddick blows past the RT for the instant strip sack on 4th down. Bieniemy really didn't help his struggling OL down the stretch. Just completely abandoned the run down the stretch.
  9. Try to score. Piniero has already missed an XP today.
  10. Ickey has really struggled this year. Hell, the whole OL has. I just don't think our blocking scheme fits our talent at all. We have a bunch of maulers and we're asking them to finesse.
  11. Ouch. McLaurin with back to back drops. Turnover on downs.
  12. Belichick still has some tricks up those cutoff sleeves.
  13. Ron's D folds like a cheap suit again. Committed another personal foul in the process. The guy is not a good coach.
  14. Howell throws a pick and Commanders commit a personal foul. Ron's team is melting. Tell me if this sounds familiar? Bieniemy has completely abandoned the run and Washington's OL Is starting to really struggle.
  15. Every yard matters in a 13-12 field position slog.
  16. That one has nothing to do with the turf. He just got rolled up on by a poo ton of humanity.
  17. This Washington secondary is unbelievably bad. Holy poo. The closest Commanders jersey on that TD was in the stands.
  18. Bryce bro, this ain't Bama. Just throw it away or tuck and run. Don't take the sack there.
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