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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. If they had drafted a certain guy who is 6th in the league in passing yards and passing TDs like I thought they were going to they're probably legit contenders.
  2. Pickett ain't it. That's for sure. Hell, that was for sure when he was playing in college at Pitt. I have no idea how the Steelers deluded themselves into that blunder. They've been so good for so long by avoiding dumbass mistakes like that.
  3. That's a crazy stat. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/steelers-are-5-3-despite-having-fewer-yards-than-opponent-every-week-this-season Through 8 games, the Steelers have been out gained in yardage 8 times yet they're 5-3.
  4. Darnold was my comp for him. Hopefully for him and the Titans it won't be accurate.
  5. The Titans have something to work with though. Levis certainly looks better than Tannehill and Mike's better than Willis. They just need to focus on developing him the rest of the season to try to figure out if he's their guy moving forward or if they need to be looking QB early again.
  6. The third one is the charm. The Steelers finally catch one of these INTs Levis has been trying to throw them.
  7. If Steelers DBs could catch this game has ended twice now.
  8. That flag was LATE. I think it was legit but damn. It didn't fly until the play was well over.
  9. Well, that wasn't a good throw.
  10. They're hating on Levis there but there was nowhere to go with that ball. Everyone was blanketed.
  11. I think they're likely working out of a very reduced playbook. Oof. That should've been an INT.
  12. I've just taken to taking a screenshot and posting the photo. It's quicker than waiting on the tweet to load.
  13. They ran wildcat, a reverse pass, and one other trick play that is escaping me at the moment on the first drive alone.
  14. I hope that dude is okay. He made one helluva effort to try to catch what was likely an uncatchable ball in terms of actually coming down inbounds.
  15. I said early on that they'd already blown their offensive playbook wad on the first drive.
  16. Ah fug, this doesn't look good at all. Damn it.
  17. You gotta at least throw a ball that gives your guy a better chance to come down inbounds. That would've taken a catch if the year contender. Can't knock the receiver. He did all he could. Hopefully he just got the breath knocked out of him.
  18. I don't understand chucking it 40 yards down the field to a perfectly covered receiver in 4th and 4. Helluva effort by the receiver but now he's hurt and the ball was carrying him OB anyway.
  19. That was a pretty damn good one. Starting at midfield.
  20. Man, I envy the Steelers' organization. Pickett is a below average QB but they're still about to be 5-3. If they'd drafted smarter at QB they'd be a force.
  21. Yeah, the truth comes out when the NFL gets film on you. Darnold always looks good his first 2-3 games in a new system. Then NFL DCs get film on him in that system and... uh oh.
  22. Derrick Henry with a full head of steam running downhill at you knowing you gotta try to tackle this guy and he has no intention of doing anything other than running THROUGH you has to be a shitty feeling for a DB.
  23. Seems like at least half of the Titans' first downs tonight are by way of flag.
  24. I'm curious to see long-term if he can handle a full playbook because it's pretty obvious that the Titans are operating out of a seriously abbreviated one tonight.
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