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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I don't hate Bryce. He seems like a good guy. I think he's doing the best he can and that's all you can ask of a player. If a guy is putting in the work and receptive to coaching then it's either poor talent evaluation or poor coaching... or both leading to the failure. People get frustrated because they feel like he games the pre-draft process but that's his job. As a draft eligible player your job at the time is to maximize your draft status. I don't put any blame on the prospect for that.
  2. That's the problem. All the scenarios where Bryce succeeds revolve around ideal scenarios. We need a top 5 OL with top 5 weapons and a top 5 OC and THEN we'll see why Bryce Young went #1 overall. Well, I'm sorry but if you need all that to succeed then you shouldn't have been a 1st round pick much less #1 overall.
  3. No one would be frustrated about Bryce if we were seeing signs of elite traits. There's just a handful of plays we're left clinging to. Meanwhile there's a ton of plays that leave you thinking this guy just doesn't have the required prerequisite physical talent. Willfully ignoring reality doesn't make you an objective fan. Quite the opposite.
  4. College coaches who don't know any better or aging retreads looking for a retirement paycheck are essentially what we're left with.
  5. I could see going to watch an opposing team but honestly after the Cowboys this week there's not even an intriguing opponent left. It just looks like the most boring matchups the NFL could make. I guess that's what happens when you largely have NFC South vs. NFC South teams facing off. What an embarrassment this entire division has become. That honestly just makes things even more frustrating. That mediocrity that Tepper wanted to get rid of could probably dominate this division the past couple years.
  6. His name is Kyle. How perfect is that? Blaming the fanbase for being frustrated about repeated errors leading to six straight losing seasons somehow finding a way to get worse every year and mocking our joke of an organization instead of directing their ire where it belongs - at this joke of an organization. What a Kyle thing to do.
  7. Twice? Hell, what have we actually gotten right? We do nothing but fug up since Tepper started throwing his weight around. We're a comedy of errors. This is like a live long form version of Dumb & Dumber or The Three Stooges.
  8. Yep. Basically Cam's rookie year again. Don't get me wrong, we wouldn't be a good team. But we'd be competing week in and week out and we could all see that we have that dude at QB and we'd be hopeful as hell for the future. Basically where the Texans are right now.
  9. Option 1 for me would be Howell plus DJ Moore and all that draft capital we gave up. But option 2 would definitely be to draft Stroud over Bryce. Either way, vibes would be a LOT different around these parts.
  10. I 100% admit to having Richardson and Stroud as my 1a and 1b but convincing myself to be okay with Bryce because if our experiences staff and all these analysts didn't see the physical traits deficiencies that I thought were just glaring then in must just be a me thing. I'm probably wrong. Well, fug.
  11. I still think back and chuckle at all the footballs that got spiked when Stroud threw a pick on his first preseason drive. Oh, Stroud's a bust they screamed! LOLOLOLOL @ Houston! Our super processor would never make such an obvious blunder! Those same football spikers reassured is all preseason how much better Bryce and the overall offense would look once the regular season came and we started actually game planning. Real football fans know the preseason doesn't matter they said. LOLOLOLOL! We don't want to show our cards. Now those same people are desperately clinging to parroting the "it's too early to call Bryce a bust yet" line.
  12. It's tough to admit that the QB we passed on is doing elite QB things and elevating his supporting cast. It's a bitter pill to swallow and it sucks but it beats being delusional.
  13. Select Huddlers have convinced themselves that Tank Dell is Smitty 2.0 as a coping mechanism.
  14. There's also the issue of not being able to just go buy stock in a player or coach at any given time. Only one team controls those assets. You can't just see a guy like Mahomes and say "hey, that looks like a great investment let's put some money into that!" You gotta find the right assets at the right time and then for it all into the salary cap. It's just a wholly different environment
  15. Nothing has seemed cohesive since Tepper took over. It has always felt like our roster hasn't matched what were trying to do on the field. The only time it came close was after Rhule was fired and Wilks took over. Likely because Tepper was fully focused on the future direction of the organization so he probably just left Wilks and company alone down the stretch because he was checked out on the season at that point.
  16. I mean, people here call the NFL's leading passer this season a mid because they're so triggered by our QB struggling so mightily so I wouldn't pay much attention to the mid talk.
  17. He legit thought he was going to be able to Moneyball this thing. Just out-analyze everyone else on spreadsheets and poo. It was gonna be easy. No more mediocrity. Bask in the glory of my brilliance vibes. Well...
  18. Anyone who thinks any eastern city sprawls has clearly not been to a city like Denver or Phoenix. The Denver and Charlotte metro area have similar population sizes while the Charlotte metro area is roughly 3000 square miles and the Denver metro area is closer to 8500.
  19. If you didn't quote me or poo my posts that trigger you I wouldn't know you exist. Who's following who?
  20. Ben Johnson did one interview with us and noped straight out and said I'd rather just be the OC in Detroit than deal with this. We're an even bigger poo show now than we were then. So why would he have a change of heart? Tepper has plenty of faults but not being willing to pony up and pay coaches isn't one of them, so I don't think it'll simply be a throw more money at him thing. Hell probably end up somewhere like the Chargers.
  21. It's like a lot of folks here either only watch the Panthers or are in willful denial. Watch other games. Folks, OL play is in the shitter across the league. There's a handful of legit good OLs and everyone else is varying degrees of bad. You see QBs under duress across the league. Muddy pockets, scramble drills, etc. are largely the norm. If you need a pristine pocket and a runway to step up and throw you're gonna have a hard time. That's one of the key issues with Bryce. He really struggles in muddy pockets. We were told pre-draft about how well he can maneuver in the pocket to find throwing lanes to compensate for his lack of height but we haven't seen it and when he doesn't have room to step into his throws he really struggles to generate velocity. And I don't mean simply following through. The guy needs a runway like most QBs do only when they're throwing a 60 yard hail Mary.
  22. Yeah, we tend to do that to posters who do nothing but troll and fling poo. I thought you were leaving this hell hole and going back to reddit where the discourse was higher browed? You've only threatened to do that about a dozen times as if anyone actually cares.
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