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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Hell, he might go top 10. Him, Harrison Jr., and the FSU kid are as good of a trio that's come out in a long time.
  2. Oh, I fully expected to lose. Most sports traditions just are dumb to outside observers.
  3. Your ability to wholesale jump bandwagons is pretty wild.
  4. That's honestly dumber than rubbing a rock.
  5. Is Clemson really storming the field? That's just embarrassing for a program of this caliber. I mean, I guess I should be flatted but it's just embarrassing
  6. We were current Panthers level bad when he came back. We didn't want to have to hit the HC market after that stretch of suck assery. We're in a much better spot to hit the HC market now which IMO was always the point of bringing Mack back. Get us out of the gutter and build a bridge to the future. But it's time to cross that bridge.
  7. Great play by the Clemson DB there. We're counting on the DBs to be cheating deep there leading to an easy back shoulder throw and thrust dude drove on the ball like a champ and Tez didn't.
  8. I knew we were in trouble when Hampton had the two redzone fumbles. One definitely took a TD off the board and the other we were down around the five. We're just not good enough to overcome stuff like that. I'm still giraffe's ass high on Hampton though. That dude is a stud.
  9. It's the Carolina Way. This is Carolina football. Tease you early in the year, collapse like a house of cards late. We gotta move on from Mack. Thanks a ton for dragging us out of the gutter. Seriously. We needed that. But it's time to look to the future. We can't risk taking a big step back next year and trying to hire a coach after a 4 or 5 win season. Which is very likely if Harrell or Hudson isn't Howell/Maye level which is highly unlikely. The time is now. We need to hit the HC market after a decent season.
  10. Tez Walker has not been Tez Walker today. Not a good game from him. I have no idea what that was from Drake on 4th. Good grief. You gotta throw it in the field of play.
  11. IC is full of morons. Maybe has been decent today. Not one of his best games. But we've had drops, two redzone fumbles, and he's been under duress all day. And you gotta give Clemson's DBs some credit. The coverage has been excellent all day. Imagine the score Maye and Klubnik are swapped.
  12. We call a timeout on a two pointer we shouldn't even be going for??? Mack's gotta retire.
  13. If you're a stat watcher only and don't watch games.
  14. I wouldn't carve that in stone just yet. There are some pretty serious boosters who are ready to retire him.
  15. Decent? Hell, I'd just settle for run of the mill below average instead of embarrassingly terrible.
  16. Yep, this is that second half UNC D I'm used to. It's just wild how they fold up shop and just plain quit late but they've been doing it all year. It's just who they are.
  17. Chizik is ass water. Our defensive coaching has been awful under Mack. Louisville has a very good D and two of their DB starters are Heels transfers. It's much less of a talent issue than it is a coaching issue.
  18. I'm super glad Mack came back. We needed someone to get us out of the gutter and he did it. But this is who we are under Mack. And that's with elite QBs. Take Howell and Maye off of these teams and we're probably winning 4-5 games at best. The program has been stabilized. It's time to find the long-term solution. Mack was never that.
  19. Oh no. I hope Gray is alright. He's a legit NFL player. Oh, he got eye raked. But that's not hands to the face. Nope.
  20. Of course they are. Cowboys fans are buying the hell out of them.
  21. About to be over. Our D has made its last stop today.
  22. Mack cannot return. These are just inexcusable errors.
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