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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. No. You're reading way too much into this. I'm simply pointing out this is how you make the throw. The error was far more on Bryce than it was on Mingo.
  2. Allen's rookie season is irrelevant. I'm talking only about these two specific plays. The DB was also on Mingo's heels in trailing position same is here. Both DBs jumped the route to go for the INT. Both receivers drifted slightly downfield. One QB anticipated this and lifted the ball over the DB leading his receiver downfield and the other threw a pick six. Bryce's throw in the Bills play would've also been a pick six.
  3. Josh Allen just made this exact same pass but he was smart enough to loft it over the DB and use his aggression against him. Oh... and the receiver started drifting up the field. PXL_20231119_233027620.mp4
  4. He's on pace. Jameis holds the single season record with 7. Bruce has 4 through 10 games.
  5. You're missing the point. You're not explaining anything other than that you're desperate to find someone to blame other than Bryce. You've already admitted it wasn't a good read. You've already admitted it wasn't a great throw. You've already admitted that the throw lacked the necessary velocity. Yet you still want to put all the blame on a receiver drifting one yard down the field while a DB stared at Bryce staring at Mingo and was able to undercut the route. The pick six was primarily on Bryce. But keep coping. The play having a negative outcome was 100% on Bryce.
  6. With a better route the best case is a broken up pass. Decent chance it still gets picked. The DB is just reading Bryce's eyes and playing the ball.
  7. Wouldn't surprise me. Just cut me my check and I'll head on into retirement.
  8. The closer it gets to the sidelines the smaller the window gets.
  9. Ron's team doing Ron team stuff. Two of those TDs were total busted coverage that half of the Huddle could've thrown. Hell, maybe even Bryce Young... if he saw it and didn't try to force a ball elsewhere and throw a pick six instead.
  10. This. They're pros. They've stopped caring about the record and they're just focusing on trying to show they belong on an NFL field as individuals.
  11. Yes, Mingo sucks. But Bryce threw a ball that got picked because he threw a dead duck.
  12. You know what would've kept it from getting picked? A throw delivered with NFL velocity. If a trailing defender can undercut a route with an on target ball, the ball got there too slow. Mingo drifting one yard up the field did not get the ball picked. If he doesn't drift the best case scenario is that the pass is broken up instead of picked.
  13. I went back to edit to actually give you a serious response and not just mock you. But seriously... The title is hilarious. The pick is 100% someone else fault while you're already admitting it was a bad read and the ball should've been thrown to someone else because the D blew a coverage. But yeah, it's 100% someone else's fault. Then the throw was such a dead duck that a trailing defender was still able to undercut the route and jump it to get the INT, but yet it was still 100% someone else's fault. Maximum cope has been achieved. I honestly should've just left post as the cutting snark the thread deserves.
  14. Go back and read the edit. You're desperately reaching to cover for you guy, man.
  15. Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? But seriously, it's a YAC route. It's not a comeback. Did Mingo drift a little? Yeah. Would it matter if Bryce didn't throw at the velocity of a child? No. It got picked because Bryce can't generate velocity, not because the receiver drifted one yard down the field. If Mingo doesn't drift that yard at best it's a broken up pass. It might have still gotten picked. And Tremble is still wide open because of a completely busted coverage.
  16. It's all just moot if you simply throw to the completely uncovered guy because the Cowboys busted a coverage.
  17. Mingo is literally just running his route. It wasn't a comeback route where he's supposed to be breaking back to the ball. It's a route designed for YAC. The throw is supposed to lead him so he can run away from the defender. The throw actually wasn't awful in terms of location. It's just the Bryce's lack of velocity allowed the defender to undercut it and pick it off. Bryce's biggest issue is lack of physical talent. You can work on footwork. You can work on decision making. You can work on reading defenses and protection calls. You can't work on sheer physical talent. It just is what it is.
  18. It's coping. You know what was the right decision? Throwing to wide open Tremble because the Cowboys busted the coverage. He was literally completely uncovered. At some point you have to start accepting reality and stop making excuses.
  19. I mean, he didn't lie when he said that the days of mediocrity were over. Oh how I long for those days of mediocrity. At least we were good enough often enough to keep things interesting. He's just turned us into a straight up doormat.
  20. It's all been a series of quick fix schemes and all that has accomplished is digging ourselves into a massive hole.
  21. Actually the opposite. Rosen had high level physical talent he was just a cocky, uncoachable prick. Bryce is a good dude who just lacks NFL talent.
  22. The mockery needs to be intense. It needs to be made not fun for him to the point that he hands the reins to someone else to make the decisions
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