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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. TMJ and Mingo are Hurney level 2nd rounders and some folks still wanna see what Fitts can do.
  2. This is the truth. If NFL games were a la carte PPV you wouldn't be able fill your gas tank up with what the Panthers vs. Bucs would bring in.
  3. Yea, Pacheco can play. I think Rice shows potential. But they definitely need significant WR help this off-season.
  4. Yeah, I think we're fuged. I'm so happy the NFL got the buyer they wanted in the good old boys club but it sure fuging sucks for Panthers fans.
  5. I think Fitts is terrible but I honestly kinda want him to stay onboard another year simply because I have a feeling that if he's fired after this year the new GM is going to be saddled with trying to first and foremost build a roster around Bryce. We might be better off just taking it on the shorts another year hoping Tepper can admit that yet another infatuation of his is a bust.
  6. I forgot about that game. Okay, add PJ to the list. Ouch.
  7. Well, it's definitely not because the turd is too big.
  8. PJ didn't. He was terrible if we're being honest. But he did have a better highlight reel. That's true.
  9. At this point I'm left hoping that Bryce can deliver us #1 overall in '25.
  10. We have to try to argue that Bryce's best game out of nine MIGHT be better than the one game a washed up journeyman played in the same offense with the same OL and receivers. Yeah, again... that pretty much says it all.
  11. Hell, we don't even have to go back to Cam. Teddy Bridgewater had better games as a Panther than Bryce has ever had. Sam Darnold had better games as a Panthers than Bryce has ever had. Baker Mayfield had better games as a Panther than Bryce has ever had. I just thought our last #1 overall pick was a fair comp for our current #1 overall pick. Yeah, they're very different players and I don't expect Bryce to be able to do the same things that Cam could do but is a highlight here and there and just a wee bit of excitement really too much to ask of out of ab#1 pick? It doesn't help that Stroud is rewriting rookie record books in Houston with a less than stellar supporting cast.
  12. Dalton's game wasn't special it was just pretty good which makes it pretty special for the Panthers in recent years. In Bryce's best game as a pro he threw for 235 yards and a TD and we scored 15 points in an ugly defensive struggle win. I mean... that pretty much says it all right there.
  13. Memories of the good times is all we have right now. I don't see any hope for this year... or next either to be honest. The only thing worse than not having a QB is the reality of likely being stuck with the one you've made a massive investment in for at least another season.
  14. For not defending Young you sure are cranking out the excuses. Yeah, our offense sucks. But Bryce is a big part of that. It can't be denied that the offense didn't suck near as bad in that "one game". I won't mention the specific game or what was different so as not to trigger folks.
  15. No, I don't. But the fact remains that he put up significantly better numbers in one game than Bryce has in nine. That can't be ignored. Same offense. Same OL (Dalton was under heavy pressure all game). Same receivers. Very different looking results. Interesting. I'm not directly comparing Bryce to Cam. Everyone knows they're very different QBs. My point was that you're looking splashes of the talent to be elite, regardless of the W-L record. We saw it in droves with Cam. We haven't seen much at all to cling to out of Bryce.
  16. It can't be overlooked. The one game when we had a viable vertical threat to our offense was the one game when we had a different QB taking snaps.
  17. But this, but that, but this and that, Dalton's game where the offense out up the most points, yards, passing yardage, 20+ yard gains, etc., etc. was a fluke... I mean, the list of excuses is starting to get really loooooooong
  18. Yeah, it's the internet. I forgot that one always has to stick to their original opinion and never ever no matter what adjust it. That's why y'all are still on that Bryce wagon. Ignoring reality to stick with a prior conclusion.
  19. If you polled Panthers fans going into the season we would've all said Bryce was going into a better situation. Everyone had Bryce tabbed as their ROY because he was going into the best situation of the rookie QBs. The one game Dalton played looked like what we expected Bryce to look like. I've ran out of hope to cling to. The boy's a bust.
  20. Just a reminder for everyone trying to grasp at straws, make excuses, and find a play here and there through none games to cling to... this is what you're hoping to see from #1 overall picks. Cam's first game highlights: Cam had more highlights in his first game than Bryce has in nine. Hell, he had more by halftime. Bryce isn't gonna be anything like that. Now we're hoping he can just become a competent game manager and maybe not throw pick sixes on simple crossing routes.
  21. He threw it even weaker than I thought. You're right, the ball really isn't late. It's just Bryce doesn't have the arm to drive it in there. He's gotta float it to the sideline.
  22. I mean, I guess they could have players taking $$$ to shave points. Beyond that, maybe a couple of gift wrapped pick sixes by Levis? That's about it.
  23. The ball should be thrown as soon as he's clearing the LB. About another step after this screen grab. The LB is squatting here and Mingo is on the move. Look at all that green in front of Mingo. A step after this a properly thrown ball with heat on it leading Mingo is potentially a big play. The negative outcome of this play is on Bryce, period. Sorry, not sorry
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