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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. PhillyB got banned for bitching incessantly about how Zod was managing the forum and ads and when Zod called him out for being a douchebag about the guy who had lent him the forum to peddle his movie projects for nothing in return PhillyB acted like a petulant douchebag in response and got smoked for it. Simple as that.
  2. You'd think someone with legit experience would at least blindly stumble onto some decent draft picks. Honest to god, we would've drafted better if we used Huddle polls to determine our picks.
  3. Starting to feel like Fitts is just a proxy. Here, cash these checks so I can have a legit looking GM on paper and then rubber stamp Dave and Nicole's decisions. I mean, Fitts took a "GM" job that didn't include final roster say. He essentially took a job to be a career college coach's wet nurse. So we already know Fitts is willing to be GM in title only. I just struggle to believe that folks with legit football backgrounds would have made as many roster mistakes as Fitts and company have. And I really struggle to believe that someone as impatient as Tepper would sit by and watch it happen while firing everyone else twice. I honestly think Tepper is essentially the GM.
  4. It's just really frustrating the Tepper keeps making these same knee jerk self inflicted errors. How has firing coaches mid-season worked out for him the past two times?
  5. That's what I said. Our options will include all the folks who don't have other NFL HC opportunities. I'm considering applying. It'd be cool to get a meatball dinner out of the deal.
  6. This. Of course someone will take a highly lucrative job. But will someone who has other similar options take it? I highly doubt it.
  7. To lure a highly sought after candidate Tepper is going to have to put on a helluva groveling act to convince them that he's going to actually stay out of the way and let them do their jobs. That's for the coaching staff and front office.
  8. Guys with no other NFL HC opportunities, guys who will take a fat check from Tepper and not care about the football outcome, and guys who think they can win the battle of wills against Tepper and build a winner anyway.
  9. No, I'm just laughing at a guy making an ass of himself grasping at straws to blame anything and everything except Bryce.
  10. I mean, how many QBs would you take over him? Mahomes? Yeah. Burrow? Probably, but there's an argument to be made. Hurts? Maybe. Lamar? Maybe. Stroud? Eh... I mean, he's looked great as a rookie but that would be a huge gamble. That's honestly the end of the list.
  11. I'd be surprised if he gets fired unless the wheels just completely fall off down the stretch. Seems like a perfect storm this year. Allen has had too many turnovers, seems like every bounce has gone bad for them. Just one of those not our year feels in Buffalo. I mean, just look at tonight's game. They gave up a circus hail Mary-esque TD. They missed two FGs. Allen had a great game overall but had an awful INT. The Eagles hit a 60 yarder in a downpour to force OT. They had a wide open receiver for a TD in OT for the win.but a QB/WR miscommunication blew it. That's just the type of year it's been for the Bills. I think it'd be a considerable overreaction to clean house because of it.
  12. This Chargers staff is so fired. They honestly probably should've been fired last year.
  13. Maye is very talented but I don't have the conviction about him that I did Howell.
  14. The wheels are falling off in Boulder. The shine and fanfare wore off QUICK.
  15. Steve Bisciotti is very hands off as owner of the Ravens. Same HC since '08. Their current GM has been in the organization since '96. Ozzie Newsome is now the Executive VP and was the GM from '02-'18 and with the organization since '96. Bisciotti started as a minority owner in '00 taking full ownership in '04. He pretty much just lets the football side of the organization run itself.
  16. Asante Jr. has to pick that off. INTs don't come much easier than that one in the NFL.
  17. Most folks on here just parrot what the talking heads tell them and convince themselves it's a conclusion they arrived at on their own. Once you realize this, society as a whole starts to make a lot more sense.
  18. I cannot stand Sean Payton but I'm honestly shocked that the Chargers stuck with this clown instead of going all in to lure one of the best offensive coaches in the modern NFL to pair with their talented young QB. This MFing clown literally just stood there and said they have to get a takeaway on defense. Get a defensive score. Are you fuging serious??? Your D held the Ravens to 10 points. Your offense only put up 3. The D ain't your problem.
  19. This is how normal people operate. It's not how egomaniacal billionaires generally act. If anything, he'll probably think he needs to be even more involved.
  20. I just don't think it's a data thing. There's no sure thing in the draft. Great college players that don't translate. Great athletes that don't translate. Guys who don't have great measurables but translate anyway. There's no foolproof blueprint to follow and that's why there's steals and busts every year.
  21. Hell, I like Bryce. He seems like a really good guy. It was just very obvious watching him at Bama that his physical skill set was marginal at best at the NFL level.
  22. By all accounts? The damn thread is about the player the pass went to literally saying the original play call was a better option. How can you cope THIS hard?
  23. Yeah, no more dinners please. Tepper and company RAVED about the dinner conversations of both Rhule and Bryce. It was HUGE in the evaluation of both. Folks, we're looking for football people. I'm not trying to figure out if I want you dating my daughter.
  24. Gonna get fixed right here. Keenan Allen just coughed up a fumble.
  25. I think Tepper thought the S2 test was some kind of QB evaluation cheat tool and he convinced himself that QB was such a cerebral position that actual physical talent took a distant backseat to mental ability. Unfortunately, there are physical prerequisites. There are plenty of guys who weren't very good QBs as players who have become very good coaches. It wasn't a lack of mental ability, they didn't have the physical ability.
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