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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. That'd be another wildly entertaining collision of massive egos.
  2. I gotta admit, it's morbidly entertaining watching the Bryce stans having emotional breakdowns and claiming everyone is blaming Bryce for everything (absolutely untrue) while they themselves are actively blaming anything and everything they can latch onto to make excuses for Bryce being perfect and blameless.
  3. The egos of Tepper and Belichick colliding would probably be a fun poo show. I can't see Belichick being interested. He basically made the Bryce mistake with Mac Jones thinking a great college QB could overcome his obvious physical limitations with mental brilliance. I can't see him having any interest in coaching Bryce Young.
  4. It's really baffling to me how much people are willing to just completely ignore how atrocious his footwork is and how often he stands square to the field unprepared to throw. You can do this poo at Alabama where you have a significant team talent advantage. You can't get away with it in the NFL.
  5. Yeah, I was told he was a super processor but I've honestly been very underwhelmed with his pre-snap recognition, even for a rookie. Seems like every time he checks out of a play it's gonna go for a loss or no gain.
  6. It's just a flat out myth that everyone is blaming Bryce for everything. The entire offense is broken, but the entire offense includes Bryce. He's a big part of what's wrong. I swear some of y'all wake up every morning and give yourselves a pep talk in the mirror on this stuff
  7. "well liked and works well with others" reads like "fully willing to be a rubber stamp for David Tepper" to me.
  8. Yeah, overall he was a good receiver. The biggest knock on him is that he went #1 overall in what might have been the best WR draft of all-time and was nowhere close to being the best WR out of that class.
  9. Let's be honest and pat all of ourselves on the back for a minute. If you have enough care left in you to come here to discuss this team in anyway as a fan, you're as fuging diehard as fans come. All the fairweather fans jumped off of this ship years ago.
  10. You've told no lies but prepare to be coped.
  11. When people asked me about the terrible team and embarrassing losses
  12. Just imagine if Stroud continues to play like a future HOFer and then the Bears somehow defy all of their history and land another QB at #1 with our pick who looks really good as a rookie while Bryce continues to look like a guy who just doesn't belong on an NFL field. Tepper gonna be like
  13. Zero chance. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised in the least of the final straw for Reich was suggesting to Tepper that Bryce should be benched.
  14. IMO, it's what makes being a Panthers fan hardest right now. We are in essence left to root for this douchebag to be successful and that's what sucks the most.
  15. More like late stage Al Davis when he looked like the crypt keeper and had very obviously made the leap from eccentric to completely bat poo crazy.
  16. Before we take this poster too seriously, let's marinate on something. He's made 22 posts in a little over two years. Get a load of some of these gems...
  17. Yes, there are definitely plays where that is true. That's true for every offense. I heard those same comments about the Texans, Bills, and Chargers yesterday. Yes, our offense has more of those plays than most. QB School bro LOVED Bryce as a prospect and he stubbornly hangs onto his initial reads for far too long. Might be why he didn't have success playing QB.
  18. Well, we do know that it's somewhere between quite a bit and a lot just from watching the games if we're being honest. The awful footwork. The jump passes. The misses. The bad reads leading to INTs. The constant checks (kill! kill! kill!) into ineffective runs and screens. Bryce has been bad, y'all. It's very obvious. Yes, the entire offense is also had and that's not all in Bryce. But Bryce is a big reason why this offense has been atrocious.
  19. Oh wee mayne. Absolute scapegoating going on. We went all in on a #1 overall QB and he's a bust, QB coach fired. We signed the highest priced FA RB and he's a bust, RB coach fired. TE coach might as well be cleaning out his office since we signed the highest priced FA TE and he's a bust.
  20. Yeah, I've heard injuries were a huge concern but hell, I'd take a shot at him in the mid-late rounds somewhere. The kid can play.
  21. No one is blaming everything on Bryce. The entire offense is a poo show. It's just that you refuse to accept that Bryce is a big part of why it's a poo show and you continue to do these hilariously embarrassing mental gymnastics trying to blame anyone and everything other than your dearly beloved. Let's just continue to ignore the reality that the receiver straight up said that the original play call was the better option there based on the defensive look. You tend to ignore everything that points to Bryce shouldering some blame in an abysmal offense.
  22. Ah, so you can dictate to other fans when you already know you'll be onto your next white knighting if and when Bryce washes out and we move on. You're making a complete clown of yourself.
  23. Like I e said numerous times, were caught in a vicious cycle. There's a poo show. Tepper steps in to proudly announce a bold decision driven by his involvement. An even worse poo show ensues. Tepper disappears into the background embarrassed to stew. Tepper reemerges to proudly announce a bold decision driven by his involvement. An even worse poo show ensues.
  24. Tepper is all in on Bryce. I fully expect any GM/HC to be saddled with Bryce and that to further limit our appeal. Bryce is getting at least one more year to scramble around and float wounded ducks.
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