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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. It's one of the smallest markets but definitely not THE smallest. Jacksonville probably takes that crown. Nashville is also a smaller market. Green Bay has a massive fanbase but that's a tiny market, easily the smallest now that I think about it. No one outside of the immediate region would have ever heard of Green Bay if the Packers weren't there. Vegas is a smaller market. Smaller metro area than Charlotte and there's not a damn thing for hundreds of miles outside of the immediate metro area. KC is a smaller market. Buffalo is a smaller market. There's probably others but that's just off the top of the head.
  2. Well, Dobbs got lucky there. That should've been a pick six and it was because he was staring his receiver down and was late on the throw.
  3. Interceptions like that should NOT count against the QB. When you hit your receiver in the chest it ain't your fault. Tough break for Dobbs.
  4. Yeah, Fields hasn't found consistency with them and they have been consistently bad with Fields. It might be best for both parties to have a fresh new start. But I'll believe the Bears are gonna find a good QB when it actually happens. The Bears just seemed destined to have mediocre to poor QB play no matter what.
  5. The money isn't the huge investment we made with Bryce. It's the draft capital.
  6. Yeah, he has elite flashes but just hasn't been able to find consistency. I agree, I'd like to see him get a fresh start elsewhere to see if he can find consistency elsewhere. I definitely understand why the Bears would be tempted to keep trying to get it right with him but at this point likely having the #1 overall pick I think it's time to move on and restart the rookie QB contract clock again.
  7. There aren't many teams that wouldn't dump their current guy if it meant adding Josh Allen.
  8. Yes, so I broke down what the actual players looked like going into the season. Franchise QBs make everyone look better. Greg Olsen tells everyone who:ll listen that Cam made his career.
  9. Oh, you'll definitely see the Red Sea parting if it's a Ron OL.
  10. I hope y'all are watching Fields make plays with his OL parting like the Red Sea on every snap.
  11. You don't get it. You're using the benefit of hindsight. Going into the 2011 season we had no idea if Smitty would or could bounce back. Very few players in that situation do. Having a legit franchise QB feeding them the ball certainly helps.
  12. Honestly, not really. That's the main concern. What I'm saying is that he has legit high level NFL talent.
  13. Fields has already made numerous plays that Bryce Young is simply incapable of making.
  14. I'm not saying Smitty isn't better than Theilen. If course he was. But we had no idea Smitty would get back to being Smitty. He was a 30+ year old receiver with back to back seriously declining seasons. How many of those guys bounce back to prime production? Yes, Shockey + Olsen is better than Hurst + Tremble but we ran a lot of two TE sets under Chud. We run very few currently. And yeah, Hurst and Shockey were coming off of similar seasons at a similar age. Olsen was brought in to be Shockey's understudy and hopefully takeover long-term. It worked perfectly. Moron would've started on that 2011 team and Icky would've been starting at OG. A legit franchise QB and a good offensive system make a huge difference. We have neither currently and that's a big reason why it all looks like trash.
  15. The closest we got to the truth is Reich breaking down how owner involvement varies and that Tepper chooses to be very involved and that the meetings are not fun. That's as close as we're going to probably get to someone just flat out saying that Tepper is a micromanaging asshole.
  16. This is why it's best not to treat the stans seriously. When you actually breakdown reality for them they... well, they breakdown.
  17. Let's examine that a little further... Smitty was coming off 982 yard and 554 yard seasons and looked like he might be past his prime at 32. Sounds a lot like Thielen, no? Olsen was coming off a 400 yard season and was a disappointment of a 1st round pick in Chicago. Shockey was past his prime and Cam's rookie season would end up being his last; he was coming off of a 400 yard season. At the time this was basically considered a Hayden Hurst level acquisition, albeit younger. Lafell was a second year player coming off of a sub-500 yard season. Basically the equivalent of TMJ. Stewart and Will were coming off of 800ish yard seasons. Sanders had 1200+ last year. Kalil and Gross were great OL, no doubt. Wharton was a good versatile OL, same with Hangartner. But Moron is a good OT, last year we were all very excited about Icky's play, Bozeman looked very good, and signing Corbett we all expected this to be our best OL in years and potentially one of our best ever. The talent on paper difference isn't all that extreme going into the seasons. Then the seasons happened.
  18. Good grief, Greg. Please be trolling. You have a nice cushy media gig and you're actually really good at it. Stay there.
  19. Bryce has $25M guaranteed. I feel sorry for PSL holders. If I was a PSL holder I'd be legit ready to literally whoop Tepper's ass.
  20. Oh man... that's instant cut level stuff right there. I'm sure those receivers are getting very frustrated with Kenny Pickett but still.
  21. I wonder how Tepper would have taken it if his hedge fund clients wanted to have weekly meetings to critique his every portfolio move and have him defend it?
  22. I wonder if he had to sign an NDA to get his payout? With him basically outright saying he's likely retiring I wish he'd just go scorched earth and air it all out. The fans deserve to know.
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