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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. No, definitely not. Not after all this time off and not a good 30+ pounds lighter by the looks of it.
  2. I really doubt we'll ever know for sure but there sure has been a lot of smoke that Tepper at minimum heavily influenced the pick for there not to be some fire there. His presser was weird. This whole flex that he had veto power, he could've overridden the football folks but he didn't need to because there was consensus, actually there was unanimity. Was there really though? Or were their folks who just saw the writing on the wall and wanted to continue to cash Tepper's checks? Who knows? I honestly doubt we'll ever really know unless someone from within the organization eventually airs the dirty laundry and even then will we REALLY know or does this guy just an ax to grind?
  3. Good game so far. Maybe we'll finally get a good TNF game. It was a good game on paper but even the rare one of those on TNF usually ends up laying an egg.
  4. As for Greg... honestly, he's always struck me as a smart, level headed guy. Which is why this is so bizarre to me. He should know full well he's nowhere close to being able to step into an NFL HC role. If he wants to coach in the NFL he needs to go be a TE coach. If he wants to be a HC, he needs to the HS level or maybe the minor college level. That's just reality. That's why it makes no sense for him. He has a nice cushy well paying media gig he'll have to walk away from to make a lot less money in a very unglamorous coaching role to get started. You don't get to just jump to the front of the line and get a NFL HC gig right out of the gate with no coaching experience, pill popping Irsay and an brief interim HC who wasn't really considered for the full-time role not withstanding. I mean, is Greg just trying to get back at Tepper here? He was very open that he straight up got his feelings hurt by his release which I get. It's understandable even when you know the business side of the game. But honestly just trying to straight up steal money from Tepper is about the only thing that makes sense here.
  5. Deion as you you know (nervously chuckles) is killin' it at Colorado... Really?
  6. We are not brave enough to break out our actual Christmas tree ornaments with these guys around.
  7. Like I said, this is on you. It was an honest offer. How do I prove that? Because I held up my end of the bargain.
  8. There's just way too many variables involved to come up with a formula to predict draft prospect success. I'd honestly go as far as to call the effort a fool's errand.
  9. I gave y'all a positive thread because the poll of people wanted it. I deleted a poo ton of posts out of that thread, gave temporary bans for posts on that thread, and gave a very legitimate effort to create a place for people who wanted to post positive takes without encountering what they interpreted as toxicity to have a place to go. And you want to mock me for it? Okay, but that's on you though. That says more about you than it does me. If you don't believe me I don't care. But that's the god's honest truth.
  10. Who have I called a name here? I've been a mod for years. What changed is that we traded up to draft a QB prospect that I was okay with but preferred other prospects over. That prospect has played very poorly. Many of us are frustrated about that and talk about it. Some folks want to pretend like it's not happening and blame anything and everything other than Bryce. The offense is broken. I acknowledge that. But Bryce is part of that problem and a lot of y'all refuse to acknowledge that. The Dalton game demonstrated that IMO.
  11. I was just giving y'all poo. We were taking Bryce #1. Everyone knew it. Draftniks like being right. A lot of folks moved Bryce to #1 as a result. Go back and look at big boards from around the conclusion of the college playoffs. It didn't start looking like something that one could argue as a consensus until it became a consensus that we were drafting Bryce Young.
  12. Only one of us has resorted to personal attacks. You've done that twice now. If you want to preach it, practice it.
  13. There were quite a few folks who didn't had Bryce over CJ. Enough that IMO it wasn't not a consensus that Bryce was #1. If you disagree, that's fine. I won't call you a loser who just wants to be right for having a differing opinion on what boils down to semantics.
  14. And now we have a guy emotionally throwing personal insults over a difference of opinion. Real stand up guy.
  15. Speaking of semantics though, it's hilarious how a handful of folks are trying to redefine "toxicity" as someone having a differing opinion.
  16. Most outlets had Bryce #1. To you it was enough to be a consensus. To me it wasn't. Especially considering how many bumped Bryce up when it became obvious he was going to be the pick. Ultimately these guys are trying to bail the draft. The closer you get to the draft the more they move toward trying to predict the draft vs. giving their opinions. We're arguing over the semantics of a definition.
  17. Yeah, Bob and Tom's mock draft is very relevant in determining expert consensus. A lot of mock drafts are "consensus" because they just copy each other.
  18. I know what "consensus" means. I think y'all are overblowing the level of consensus in Bryce being #1. Yeah, a lot of folks had him #1. A lot more had him #1 when it became obvious the Panthers would indeed draft him #1. Is it because they had him #1 or because they were trying to be right in their mock draft and rankings? But there were plenty of folks who didn't have him #1. To me, consensus means that there is broad agreement with little dissent. No, it's not unanimity but it's damn close. A simple majority does not equal a consensus IMO. The Ringer also had CJ the #1 overall QB.f Iy'all want to say he was the consensus #1, fine. It's really a moot point. How about now? You want to see a real consensus? Poll the experts on who the best rookie QB is.
  19. Yeah, we've talked about that chart. It's interesting. It's also completely subjective. Who is determining "accurate" and "open" and how? Save me your pity party. No one is trying or threatening to sensor you in anyway.
  20. Predictive probability reports... Tepper plugged a bunch of variables into a formula and it spit out results. Formulas can't account for any variables outside of the inputs. You could easily create a formula that would spit out your preferred QB as QB1. If you like measurables, your formula is going to spit out Richardson. If you like intangibles and college stats while downplaying measurables, it's gonna spit out Bryce. If you like a combo of the two, it's gonna spit out CJ.
  21. This just reads like you encountered information that you didn't like.
  22. "consensus" https://www.profootballnetwork.com/2023-nfl-draft-top-10-quarterbacks-2/ https://www.espn.com/nfl/draft2023/story/_/id/36184202/2023-nfl-draft-jeff-legwold-ranking-top-100-prospects https://www.profootballnetwork.com/2023-nfl-draft-big-board/
  23. Rewatch week three. It's like you like in a world where that game didn't happen.
  24. Experience succeeding in an environment dominated by an overbearing ego maniacal jackass is a major plus.
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