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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Give me a shot. I'll call a bunch of QB sneaks just for the lulz.
  2. They just know the truth. If he fires everyone who is unhappy just going through the motions he and Nicole are gonna be standing in an empty building like
  3. He looks like a local small school UDFA who gets a TC invite just for a feel-good story. Then you find out he's not just the #1 overall pick, but that a team traded a haul to move up to #1 to get him and you're like
  4. When folks were wanting to trade for him I was like... dafuq??? Why? Smitty was right.
  5. Oh, it definitely is. It's just the folks who aren't desperately trying to defend Bryce can see it while the Bryce defenders can only see one side of that street.
  6. Id like to see Fields get a fresh start in a better situation. Going from the Bears to the Panthers is hopping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
  7. Anyone wanting to pay this guy like an elite defender is high as fug. Not taking those two 1sts was almost as bad of a trade decision as going up for Bryce.
  8. He's not a YAC threat at this point in his career. Greg Olsen never was and we always loved him. Bryce went 5/7 for 74 yards throwing to Thielen today. He went 8/29 for 63 throwing to everyone else and yet Thielen is the target of your ire? Honestly that's just bizarre.
  9. It's not his fault he's our #1. We signed a declining 33 year old who should be a #2 at most and probably a #3 but he's forced into a role that he's not suited for and has honestly performed admirably in it. He's on track for over 1000 yards. He ain't the problem. We expected TMJ to take a big step forward and that obviously didn't happen. We expected Mingo to be plug and play. Not so much. We signed a deep threat specialist in Chark to pair with a QB with no deep ball. The result of it all is what we're watching.
  10. The below average receiving corps is also hampered by subpar QB play. It's a two way street.
  11. We're going into an absolutely pivotal off-season. This fanbase is definitely teetering on the brink. We don't have generations of diehard fandom to lean on like a lot of other franchises. Winning fixes everything but Tepper has definitely turned a LOT of fans off. In years past even when we were bad you saw a lot of folks rocking Panthers gear. I live within an hour and a half of BOA and I find myself doing a double take anytime I see someone wearing Panthers gear out and about. I've caught myself turning my Panthers gear into work clothes this year. Haven't bought any new gear since the team was sold. Can't see that changing anytime soon.
  12. The sad truth is that he's regressing. It's hard to fathom because he's been consistently bad but it's true. We all complained about the offense having limited vertical threat all year but I think we saw why today. When we had receivers open downfield Bryce couldn't put a ball on them. It is what it is but some folks just continue to invent new excuses.
  13. Hell, we can't even line up from under center in short yardage situations. We have to completely build an offense designed to compensate for the shortcomings of the guy we traded up to get #1 overall. That's the polar opposite of what you go all in on.
  14. I don't know what's more embarrassing. That our professional football evaluators picked Bryce over Stroud or that Bryce defenders are spiking the football feeling vindicated after Stroud's seconds bad game of the season. Stroud had a typical Bryce game today and while y'all defend Bryce you come with knives out for Stroud because of cope. I'm embarrassed for y'all.
  15. Holy poo that walk off punt return for a TD the Ravens just pulled off in OT.
  16. Good god man. Adam Thielen is about the only thing that's been right about this offense this year. Y'all are blowing your backs out with these mental gymnastics trying to convince yourselves that Bryce is gonna be alright. Yeah, our receivers outside of Thielen suck, but Bryce also missed them badly downfield all day today too. Everyone sucks when the balls aren't catchable.
  17. I watch a lot of college ball and was baffled about his draft evaluations. I was laughed at repeatedly this off-season for openly questioning his NFL talent level. He always looked to me like an old school classic Heisman winner who just wasn't gonna translate to the NFL level.
  18. Some of y'all badly need to watch some other games. Watch other QBs throw lasers. Watch them drop dimes while being pressured. Watch backup QBs look way better than Bryce across the league. It's all out there.
  19. Bryce was missing receivers all over the place downfield. The ability some of y'all have to continually invent new excuses is just wild to watch. I honestly feel secondhand embarrassment watching it
  20. How about all the wildly erratic downfield passes that no one has a shot at? A lot of those "drops" were poorly placed balls that brought a defender back into play when a better ball would've been an easy catch that would've been very fair to blame the receiver on if it wasn't converted.
  21. It's so obvious but the copers just don't want to admit it. Deep out? Nope. That's a pick six. Anything over 20 yards? Can't be in the playbook. You are running a VERY limited passing playbook with Bryce. You're effectively turning the entire field into a redzone offense.
  22. Wentz was elite before he got injured. Goff doesn't have typical #1 overall type talent but I think we thought we were basically getting a more athletic version of him in Bryce.
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