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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. The ACC is definitely circling the drain. No doubt about it. FSU goes to the playoffs if their QB doesn't get hurt but there's zero chance an undefeated conference champ out of any of the other P5 conferences doesn't go to the playoffs even if their QB gets hurt. It just confirmed what everyone already knew - the ACC is the perceived weakest major football conference. It doesn't matter if you have a winning head to head record against the SEC. Perception is all that matters. Now you have the Clemsons and FSUs sitting there thinking... damn, we might have to win the ACC to get into a 12 team field. It honestly might be hard to get an at large bud out of the ACC because the SEC is gonna be screaming to get half of the field every year.
  2. It's hard for me to get pumped about football recruiting simply because most of these guys, especially the linemen, are at least a year or two away from being significant contributors at the P5 level. I quit following all recruiting about the time I graduated college. At some point in your adult life concerning yourself with the decisions of HS kids starts feeling very creepy. When I was no longer in school it just didn't feel appropriate anymore. When a hyped kid commits I'll go watch his highlight reel and that's pretty much the extent of it for me.
  3. Per usual in recent years, my late season football watching consists of simply finding the most intriguing game on that time slot. I can only stomach so much bad, downright boring football.
  4. Let the new HC hire his staff. It'd be awesome if he chooses to retain Evero but you have to let the HC pick his staff.
  5. I couldn't remember what Tepper gave Rhule. It was $60M over 7 years. He got fired and got a raise with $74M over 8 years at Nebraska. Imagine making that much money not even being very good at something. Damn.
  6. This. If he can get Tepper on the hook for $15M per then he can go shopping with it.
  7. I have no idea why Mack would bring that up. It's whatever. Doeren should've just said "It was unprofessional, I apologize. I called Mack weeks ago and said the same. It is what it is. Let's talk about signing day."
  8. Go back to running your hedge fund so you don't have time to meddle in football. Just enjoy it as a fan and count your money.
  9. The college game by and large is just more entertaining right now than the NFL. It's just the bowls that suck. Georgia vs. Florida State is a badass football game. But no one wants to see Georgia vs. Florida State minus all the guys on those teams that are likely getting drafted next year. That isn't actually Georgia vs. Florida State.
  10. You know how I know the bowls are dead? I've never even heard of the majority of the sponsors and I don't even care to look into who they are. I just chuckle that they pissed their money away to slap their name onto a toilet bowl. This poo has to be abysmal ROI driven by boomer executives who still think it's a big time power play to be a bowl sponsor.
  11. The best case scenario is that Fitts is the architect of this disaster and that Tepper has been snowed by him this whole time. That seems like a huge reach but we can still hope.
  12. We've all been harping about this all year and even longer. We're the worst franchise in the league currently in large part because we've made horrible personnel moves, both in terms of the roster and the coaching ranks. We have some good players and we probably have some good coaches but we don't have enough to overcome the rest of the poo show.
  13. Bieniemy has been a disaster. The Dolphins were straight up mocking his poo offensive scheme and flat out said that Howell getting outside the pocket and making something happen was the only thing that concerned them.
  14. All I saw of that one was 13 fumbles. Like holy poo.
  15. Honestly, that's better than the "good" bowls. The "good" non-playoff bowls get gutted with draft bound sit outs. I'd honestly rather watch lesser teams playing full strength.
  16. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Honestly, given the sparse attendance they should've made a PA announcement to invite everyone to move down as a thank you for actually showing up. It would've been an awesome PR move for an organization that seems to go out of their way to piss fans off.
  17. They've lost three straight now. Just lost to a team that had lost four straight and playing a backup QB.
  18. Gorgeous deep dime from Drew Lock for the likely game winner with under 30 seconds on the clock. New randos keep taking the field for other NFL teams and looking better than our #1 overall pick.
  19. Which is generally accurate of the QBs it's applied to. You don't necessarily have to have a dynamic game breaking QB if you have a brilliant offensive system with elite surrounding talent. The issue you run into is when you start having to pay everybody and making tough salary cap decisions.
  20. I think you should always be looking at RBs in the mid to late rounds because you shouldn't be looking to pay RBs on a second contract.
  21. What we need to do is stop treating RB like a premium position. Chuba is doing a solid job and we got him for a mid-round pick. This is how the majority of the league has been treating the RB position for the last 20 years now. Panthers fans just haven't noticed because we keep acting like this is the 1980s and spending premium picks and salary cap on a luxury position
  22. He's plenty good enough. You don't need a true RB1 in today's NFL. You haven't for decades now but that hasn't stopped the Panthers from investing heavily in positions of yesteryear, namely RBs and off the ball LBs. Outside of a handful of truly elite players those are "fill the gap" positions with draft picks and/or low to mid-level FAs. We've sorely lacked at more crucial positions because we invest heavily in the wrong positions.
  23. My Eagles fan buddy told me he had poo for vision and that I'd get tired of seeing him run into the backs of OL when there's a gaping hole right there for a potential big gainer. We don't have the Eagles' OL and ability to keep defenses honest with a legitimate passing attack so there aren't those same gaping holes and that makes his vision issues even more readily apparent.
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