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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Sounds like some Michigan poo but I can't imagine the NCAA would let that leak with them about to play as the #1 seed in the playoffs.
  2. Would he be interested in replacing Mack? Because sign me the fug up.
  3. Jesus. I just checked the score. #7 OSU vs. #9 Mizzou is 7-3 deep into the 4th. The bowl golden goose is dead. The advertisers and naming sponsors have to be realizing horrible ROI at this point. You need the playoffs and a handful of bowls for the good non-P5 teams. Hell, honestly you need about 40-50 teams competing for those 12 playoffs spots and the rest of current D1 being demoted to D1-AA. Sorry Dakotas. Y'all have competition again. App State is back.
  4. You're not getting it. FSU missed the playoffs because their QB got hurt. Period. If Travis doesn't get hurt in a schedule filler game they're in the playoffs. That sucks but it is what it is. Guess what? If Penix got hurt Washington probably isn't in the playoffs either. It is what it is. The problem is the 4 team field. That problem gets fixed next year. The NCAA kicking that can down the road might kill the ACC. And honestly, ya know what? I don't even care. Expansion has grossly watered down the old rivalries already. The ACC is pretty much already dead IMO. With Stanford, Cal, and SMU coming aboard it just gets dumb. You can't even honestly call it the ATLANTIC Coast Conference anymore.
  5. Sure they would have. If Carolina is undefeated Drake Maye is a Heisman finalist and they're in the playoffs. FSU missed the playoffs because their QB got hurt late in the season in a meaningless game against a schedule filler before they had time to prove that maybe they could be a playoff contender without him. That sucks, but it is what it is. If Carolina had gone undefeated and Drake Maye got hurt against Campbell and that was our last regular season game then we would've missed the playoffs too. It is what it is. It's the flaw of a 4 team field. A 12 team field largely addresses that. The NCAA never should've kicked that can down the road once they made the decision to expand. Yeah, there's still gonna be snubs. But let's be real, if you're a bubble team in a 12 team field in college football you don't stand a real chance anyway. The top handful of teams really is THAT much better than a everyone else. The 12 team field just ensures that no real contenders get left out.
  6. Honestly, they did. Also honestly, I don't care. As soon as Travis went down so did their legit chances in a 4 team playoff so I don't really care that they got snubbed. They got screwed because the NCAA decided to wait to expand to a 12 team field. Sure you know what I mean. You throw shade at one team and one team only. No clue why a FSU fan would be so concerned with UNC.
  7. You care a whole lot when it's convenient to you talking trash about a certain school.
  8. Mizzou vs. OSU is 3-0 in the 3rd quarter? Real barn burner. #7 vs. #9 in a bowl game would historically be must see TV. I'm a football junkie and I've watched three quarters of college bowl games so far. The real games start on Monday. There's only three that matter.
  9. In-N-Out is a decent fast food burger well priced. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing worth waiting in some ridiculous line for or getting all hyped up about. The fries are trash. Five Guys is a damn good burger and damn good fries, but yeah definitely over priced and I don't really consider it "fast food". Good Times in Colorado is damn good. Just go there and order the West Coast Cheeseburger and you basically get an In-N-Out burger with a helluva lot better fries.
  10. CJ Beathard probably gonna look like an MVP for one day. Gonna be like that game that Packers backup QB had where he passed for a billion yards and a million TDs leading to the Seahawks paying him big money just to have him lose out to a rookie Russell Wilson and ultimately never be heard from again.
  11. Eventually the system has to die. Advertisers and naming sponsors have to be getting completely abysmal ROI.
  12. I'm paying him and parting ways with Burns. Hell, letting him walk and only getting a 3rd round comp pick is still a better option than paying him cap crippling money.
  13. If it's not a playoff game or a historically awful team getting a bowl for the first time in ages the P5 teams just don't care. I haven't even been watching these games other than the UNC game and bailed out of that one with about 12 minutes to go.
  14. Mack accomplished the goal. He drug us out of the hole Fedora dug us into and rebuilt the recruiting pipelines Fedora destroyed. Mission accomplished. But staying too long will start to undo that. IMO, he's already stayed too long. Going into this season would've been perfect timing to gracefully retire and we would've been a HOT job with a Heisman hopeful QB. Instead, we have completely fumbled two Heisman campaigns in just three years and you can bet that the combo of that and Mack's age is hampering our recruiting abilities. The relationships are rebuilt for someone else to takeover. Beyond this point Mack becomes more of a liability than a help. It just is what it is. It's time for him to bow out or unfortunately be forced out. I'd greatly prefer the former.
  15. He's gotta go. It's just a happy retirement gig for him. What do you mean you're not happy? We won 8 games! We went to a bowl! Nevermind that we show promise in the first half of the season before ultimately face planting and abysmally failing to live up to expectations and potential every year. 8 wins aren't created equal. We end every season playing our worst football at the end of the year and we can't gain any momentum because of it. Mack's gotta go. If he's back next year we probably win 4-5 games and start sliding back to where Fedora had us making the whole "Return of the Mack" era largely meaningless. It was a get right move to build a bridge to the next era. Mission accomplished. Don't burn the damn bridge down.
  16. It's hilarious how mad Niners fans are. They are BIG mad. When can initially made his "game manager" remarks about Purdy they scoffed and were like "oh, he'll show you you're just jealous". Then he goes out the very next game and looks beyond atrocious and it's a Chernobyl level fanbase meltdown from them.
  17. Where did he stack up against his peers? What was the percentage of his team's receiving yards he accounted for? These are measures that help put things into perspective.
  18. I thought Smitty would eventually get in but not even being a finalist this year does not bode well. WR stats are getting ridiculous these days but that's irrelevant to Smitty's case IMO. You judge a guy against his peers in the league that he played in, not against what the league currently is.
  19. Everything football related is a huge weakness for the football organization that Tepper has built. It's just been a revolving door of guys who Tepper had deemed the one who is going to wave a magic wand and fix everything.
  20. Peppers is a 1st ballot HOFer. Gates might be too.
  21. It doesn't all have to come from the HC though. Look at the Dolphins. Young, hit shot wiz kid, almost childlike acting HC but the GM is a lifer who has been around forever. Same with the DC. You do need a blend within the organization but no one person can wear all the hats.
  22. "Leader of men" is the coaching equivalent of "alpha" for players. Just a tired old stereotypical trope that doesn't really mean anything beyond "this person checks the stereotype box if I was casting this role for a movie".
  23. Maybe Caleb Williams isn't all that special and it's actually Lincoln Riley? Everyone the guy puts on the field at QB puts up video games stats.
  24. I've seen the results of Tepper hiring "leaders of men". Rhule was a "leader of men". Reich was a "leader of men". Wilks was the best of his "leaders of men". I feel like when you have to hang your hat on a guy being a "leader of men" to justify your hire it's because you're fresh out of football justifications. Watch clips of Mike McDaniel. Does that guy strike you as a "leader of men"? He seems like an 19 year old TikToker. But it doesn't matter because the guy knows fuging football and that's what actually gets the respect of NFL players over the long haul. "Leaders of men" might pull the wool over their eyes in the short term but ultimately these guys want successful careers with wins, legacies, and fat ass bank accounts and "leaders of men" can only do so much. Football savants can do a lot more. I don't know that that's what Ben Johnson is but I definitely know that I don't give a fug whether or not he's a "leader of men".
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