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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Yeah, Fitts is literally just a rubber stamp yes man. Standing there the whole time like his fuging video game controller is unplugged.
  2. It's extremely disappointing. He showed some serious promise last year. Then he read all his pressure clippings and they went to his head. I do think he's an OG though.
  3. What a massive kick in the nuts. A year after you trade a haul to get the #1 pick you end up having given a #1 pick as just a part of that haul. Oh wee mayne.
  4. I have. We've been down at Murrell's Inlet. Heading back tomorrow.
  5. I never want to hear the terms "arm elasticity" and "off platform throws" ever the fug again. Can a guy throw with NFL velocity in game situations or not? Yes or no? Throwing floaty wobblers to wide ass open receivers in college on the run means jackshit in terms of a guy's NFL evaluation. Everyone got too cute with Bryce thinking he was going to break the mold and just flat out ignored that his NFL talent level was marginal at best He checked every box of the Heisman winning college player who probably wouldn't translate to the NFL that someone takes a flyer on in the mid-late rounds just in case the magic translates.
  6. Just being honest here, but of all the QBs who have taken the field this year in the regular season you gotta dig DEEP to come up with names that have shown less promise than Bryce. The guy should've been benched and I think Reich probably got fired for voicing that opinion to Tepper. Refusing to bench a guy who quite honestly pretty obviously looks to lack NFL talent is just downright unfair to everyone else in the organization. But he's Tepper's S2 acing super processor.
  7. I'm just so baffled why everyone was so high on this guy. There were red flags all over his measurables and college play. QB prospects normally get picked apart to a level that feels unfair. Yet Bryce just got a rubber stamp from everyone. This guy's gonna be great because processing and arm elasticity and just because. People actually convinced themselves that he was carrying inferior talent at fuging ALABAMA. I got roundly mocked around here for saying his NFL talent was subpar and his arm was questionable at best.
  8. It would just be absolute confirmation that he's nothing more than Tepper's rubber stamp. Even if he is this has gone so poorly that Tepper has to fire him just for appearance sake.
  9. Here's a hard to swallow pill for you... Bryce and the OL can both suck.
  10. Dude read too many of his own positive headlines last year and this off-season. Grinned and laughed it up on the sidelines this preseason after looking like a speed bump. The whole team bought into the Huddle mentality that everything was fine. Who cares that we look like trash in the preseason? We'll turn the switch on when the games count. That didn't exactly pan out.
  11. The Thielen signing was solid. He's a serviceable #2/good #3 type. Which is what we thought we needed him to be then no one else stepped up so he had to become the defacto #1 even though he's not up to it anymore. But that's not his fault.
  12. While Ickey also looks like trash. Man, Fitts has been an utter disaster.
  13. Regular season matchup are far more relevant than non-playoff bowl game matchups with the opt-outs. It is what it is. The bowls are dead.
  14. Doesn't matter what he is in the NFL. He was a damn good college QB. Travis from FSU doesn't project well to the NFL either but he was a damn good college QB too. Not every good college player projects well to the NFL. It doesn't make them any less of a college player.
  15. Outside of the conference elite the rest of the SEC is just run of the mill P5 football teams. I don't buy their argument of "We get our asses kicked by those guys every year and that makes us better than you by association! We've lost to Alabama for 17 straight years so take that!" GTFO. They don't fair much better in our of conference play against other P5 competition. They're just not that good.
  16. It's because they're Georgia and Alabama. SEC has fug all to do with it. The rest of the SEC just rides their coattails to claim superiority by proxy.
  17. Now with that said, FSU can forever STFU about getting snubbed from the playoffs.
  18. I mean, without Travis and their two starting WRs that ain't FSU. Not to mention their starting RB. It's just not. What percentage of their offensive production isn't playing tonight?
  19. Ideally, Michigan beats Bama because fug Bama then gets straight up TCU'd in the championship game.
  20. Watch the games. Listen to the opponents. Bieniemy completely abandons the run for huge swaths of every game despite having a terrible pass protecting OL. Their opponents flat out say the only part of their offense that concerns them is Howell getting outside the pocket and making plays outside the framework of the offense and the primary difference between Howell and Brissett is that Bieniemy actually commits to the run when Brissett is playing.
  21. Their opponents are saying the same thing. Their fans are saying the same thing. The guy has sucked.
  22. @CamWhoaaCam can never be wrong because he can shift bandwagons on the fly like no one I've ever seen.
  23. Just a holdover of legacy media platforms. Without network TV and boomer executives that still thinks that is the advertising avenue of note there's no way the current bowl system is viable.
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