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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Pay Brown, tag and trade Burns. No, you're not gonna get anywhere close to what the Rams offered for him. That shop has sailed. But he's not the type of defender you can pay like he's one of the best defenders in the NFL, because he's just not. He's never taken that next step to become consistent and put the same effort in on running downs. If you wanna be paid like you're elite be elite.
  2. Not familiar with him but it'd be hard to do worse than David Tepper.
  3. Nah, I think he's a very good WR prospect but no I don't think he's a generational talent. I mean, I'd take a guy like Odunze and a haul of other assets for that #1 overall pick all day everyday over Harrison Jr.
  4. I feel like someone should write a high profile article outlining how Tepper can't move the Panthers and get some traction going on it. Tepper's the kind of guy who'd look to move the team just out of spite to show that he can. Modern problems require modern solutions. He can take his fuging kickball team and bro country concerts with him.
  5. Statement from Tepper: “I am deeply passionate about this team and regret my behavior on Sunday. I should have let NFL stadium security handle any issues that arose. I respect the NFL’s code of conduct and accept the League’s discipline for my behavior.” What an incredible piece of fuging poo. It's that fans fault I lost my composure and lashed out like a child. I shouldn't have done that, I should've just had security toss his ass because I'm a billionaire and I get what I want... which is also the reason why I feel entitled to act like a spoiled fuging child.
  6. Moving the Panthers to Rawlee is an all-time poo take.
  7. It's not about the money when you have his wealth. It's about "winning" and forcing your will. Lack of winning on the field probably leaves him even more in need of getting his winning fix off the field.
  8. Tepper definitely wants a new stadium and he definitely expects a huge chunk of the money to come from the city of Charlotte and not his own very ample pockets. Every financial study that has ever looked into it has found that public investments into professional sports stadiums provides horrendous dollar ROI. With Tepper being wildly unpopular and Panthers fandom at it's lowest I can't see handing him a bag being politically expedient.
  9. It seems like there's two requirements to keeping a job with Tepper. 1. A healthy dose of "Yessir, Mr. Tepper! Brilliant idea sir!" 2. Stand there like an idiot when he's assaulting rival fans and act like it's not happening.
  10. I just don't think anyone really cares about the GM position because most of us think that it's David Tepper calling the shots whenever he wants to call them. So it really doesn't matter who has the role in title. You're a glorified secretary when David Tepper has an opinion.
  11. Stop. Nobody cares about who's doing the paper pushing. We're talking about the roster and all that entails. Drafting, signing free agents, re-signing our own players, building a scouting team and front office. That's the only thing fans care about regarding the GM and I seriously question how much influence anyone not carrying the Tepper last name has on the major decisions.
  12. This narrative that Bryce was carrying inferior talent at ALA-fuging-BAMA with their top 10 (usually top 5)recruiting class every single year has always been hilarious.
  13. We should've realized we were being had when the league insisted on the team being sold to David Tepper, even helping him negotiate a sweetheart deal.
  14. We were the worst team in the league in part because Bryce Young was our QB. That's a hard truth to accept but it is what it is.
  15. If I'm the Jags fan I'm threatening to press charges. Tepper would be writing a fat ass check to wiggle out of this one if I had his ass on the hook.
  16. Look at everything they put up with out of Dan Snyder for years. The only thing that finally got him forced out was when they found out he was withholding cash from the pot. You can cheat anyone and everyone else but if you cheat your fellow owners you gotta go. That's how good old boys clubs work.
  17. The league doesn't give a fug about the Rock Hill fiasco. They all fleece their local cities for public funding.
  18. Have the Jags said anything? I mean if I'm an NFL team and an opposing owner was throwing drinks on my fans in my stadium I'd be fuging livid. Imagine if this was literally anyone other than an owner.
  19. Scott Fitterer is a good little yes man and that's exactly what Tepper wants. I'll believe we'll have a real GM with real GM duties when I see actual evidence of such a thing. Seeing a legit veteran QB signed to have a legit camp competition with Bryce would be step 1.
  20. Maybe Tepper's name will get dropped as part of the Epstein list disclosures. That's our best last hope.
  21. He's the type of guy who'd be flexing about having the nicest above ground pool in the trailer park. He's just trash with money. Money can't buy class.
  22. Yeah, the issue the committee has was that there were six deserving teams and only four spots. That problem shouldn't have existed because they should've made the 12 team expansion field effective immediately. There was no point kicking the can down the road on that and they got what they deserved for doing it. As soon as UGA lost and FSU won they were fuged. There was no clear path forward with four teams and you were gonna have two teams rightfully crying foul no matter what you did. 12 teams fixes this. Yeah, there are still gonna be snubs every year but let's be real, if you're on the bubble of a 12 team field you have no realistic chance anyway. 12 teams ensures all the legit contenders qualify. Just don't let the SEC bully their way to five or six fuging teams which is what they're gonna want every damn year.
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