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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. He was my 1A and Stroud was my 1B. I thought the pick between them came down to the interview and background process to see who you trusted most to put in the work required. There were just waaaaaay too many questions about Bryce's physical tools. He pretty much had ever physical red flag a QB can have. You can't trade up to #1 overall for that and I thought it was baffling how the entire NFL media just talked past it.
  2. Good lord, Anthony Richardson just made another highlight reel TD throw.
  3. How many starters do we have who would start for most other teams? How many backups do we have who would make most other rosters? This team is trash and it's because the organization Tepper has "built" is trash.
  4. What's to develop? The knock on him coming out of college was that he was super NFL ready but had limited physical upside and might already be as good as he's gonna get.
  5. I've just switched over to the Colts/Texans. There's only so much self imposed hazing I can put on myself.
  6. I'll repeat again. This is the worst NFL football team I've ever seen.
  7. Honest to God he has always looked like a local HS kid who won a "play QB for the Panthers for a day" contest.
  8. Calm down on the Darnold stuff. Darnold has always looked pretty good until the league gets some film on him playing in a system then the same old Darnold gets exposed.
  9. Listen, we suck but that penalty was fuging terrible. That's a terrible call.
  10. We need a gif of the Mora "playoffs" rant dubbed to "footwork". That's my response. Footwork? FOOTWORK??!!! I just hope we can win a game!
  11. Doesn't seem like it. That interview looked like a guy who knows he's gotten himself life changing money so he's good. Whatever. LOL
  12. I don't know, I think so many folks are jumping off this ship there won't be many left soon.
  13. Fire your GM just to give the job to his right hand man. Honestly, the Morgan and Canales hires just scream that literally no one with other equivalent NFL opportunities are taking jobs with Tepper's Panthers. We're forced to rummage through the rubbish bin of guys no other teams are considering for that level of job.
  14. Canales is really just smiling and acting like things are just fine. LOLOLOL
  15. The only guy Bryce can competently throw to is Thielen. It was the same thing last year.
  16. This should probably be locked but fug it
  17. This defense is playing with zero effort. This is ugly. Tepper gonna be rage firing another staff mid-season. LOL
  18. It has been a nightmare ever since that guy bought the team. Our best season under him was his first season when he said he would be focusing entirely on the business side of the organization before "putting his stamp" on the football side. Well, the only stamp that's been put on the football side is the mushroom stamp our opponent puts on our face every Sunday.
  19. Considering the guys we past over to pick him and the trade up to get to #1? I mean, yeah. Probably so.
  20. Good point. Dalton isn't the answer so just let this guy Clausen us to #1.
  21. Well, I'm ready for the Red Rifle. Bryce ain't it.
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