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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I'm honestly higher on McCarthy as an NFL prospect than I am Penix. With that said, I'm not super high on either. I think they both project has 2nd to 3rd round types.
  2. I think Purdy is better than Bryce. How much better? I don't know. That's a real kick in the nuts when we're talking about Mr. Mortgage the Franchise to Trade Up to #1 vs. Mr. Irrelevant.
  3. I'm expecting Michigan to win tonight but hoping for Washington.
  4. It depends on Tepper. If he's still Tepper's chosen one then he's the safest player in the NFL. If Tepper is actually going to finally give real football people real decision making power (I know, hold your laughter) then his future would be very muddy.
  5. We've taken quite a few over the years. We just take bad ones.
  6. There's a reason why he was Mr. Irrelevant. Unfortunately for us, Purdy looks to be a lot closer to being the type of "super processor" we were sold that Bryce was than Bryce turned out to be.
  7. I'm just talking about physical skill set. Bryce doesn't pass the eye test in terms of having NFL physical talent.
  8. Just being honest but I don't even know if Bryce is gonna be in the NFL long-term. I don't even know if he's backup caliber. I watched time and time again as backups and third stringers took the field elsewhere and showed more promise and talent than Bryce.
  9. I honestly think a late 1st is probably about the ceiling for Burns and I'm not sure we could get that. I just think some contender at the back of the 2st might see him as a piece that could put them over the top, but would that be with a late 1st AND a huge contract? I don't know about that.
  10. Not saying McD is great but five straight winning seasons says he's at least good. I like Allen and he's fun to watch but let's be honest, the Bills have had to overcome a lot of mistakes from him this season especially. He's been a turnover machine.
  11. If Vrabel gets fired I'd bet on him being back in NE.
  12. He's a LOT better than Ron ever was. Five consecutive winning season is something we can only dream of.
  13. I was terrified we were gonna give him a huge contract. This dude can go the fug on somewhere.
  14. Bingo. If you're ambitious and want to win and create a legacy this is the worst situation in the league hands down. If you just want to take some millions out of a billionaire's bank account and ride off laughing this is your spot.
  15. At this point Dave is fresh out of people to throw under the bus. He's turned the entire organization over multiple times now.
  16. I think he'll probably retire. He's just not a good coach. It's beyond obvious at this point that he was floated by guys like Cam and Luke and to a lesser extent McDermott. He's a defensive coach and Washington's D was beyond embarrassing this year. It's over for Ron.
  17. I honestly hope that he was the problem but I also honestly doubt it. Sure seems like the problem is David Tepper.
  18. What if you weighed the S2 test very highly? The thing about "analytics" is that you can create a system that spits out the results of your choosing if you're blind to your confirmation bias.
  19. Better bring a lot of gas because it's gonna be hard to re-light this pile of ashes.
  20. There was no way that guy should've been playing in those first four games or so. He was very obviously hampered. Couldn't move, couldn't throw downfield. And their backup proved to be decent. They would've honestly been better off playing him and letting Burrow just heal up.
  21. How are you including Burrow in this list? The guy is on IR. If the Bengals went to the playoffs Burrow still wouldn't be playing because he's on IR.
  22. This. Herbert has put up good numbers and has definitely been considered an up and comer but he's entering the "okay, it's time to actually start winning" portion of his career now. Lawrence is starting to look like a guy who might just be a JAG as a starter. Definitely not what he was hyped to be. Burrow is that dude when he's healthy but the Bengals are bordering on Cam era Panthers level QB abuse with him.
  23. If I had no idea who he was I'd just assume he was some local kid small school UDFA given a camp invite for a PR feel good story.
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