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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Belichick got derailed by a noodle armed Bama QB. He ain't signing up for round two of that unless he just wants that Tepper retirement check.
  2. Colorado went 1-8 in the Pac-12 and people think he's gonna be on Alabama's radar to replace Nick Saban? LOLOLOLOLOL
  3. Definitely bad timing for Clemson. Dabo ain't feeling the love in Clemson. If Bama wants him he's almost certainly gone.
  4. It's the Tepper model. He's in charge and everyone else just says "yes sir, great idea sir". The ones who don't get fired. Eventually you get fired anyway because he needs new fall guys.
  5. Tepper keeps trying to buck the NFL model and keeps failing miserably. He's the laughing stock of the league.
  6. Nothing has changed. Tepper is still retaining his same control. He's already said as much without realizing it letting it leak that they're focusing on the coach first then the GM. Same poo, different day. You hire a GM first and let the GM hire the coach. That's the way this poo works in functional organizations. But this is Tepper's poo show and he refuses to learn. Once again we'll have a GM and a head coach neither on the same page, both reporting directly to Tepper, and a junk show of a roster and product on the field. This is what we're going to be as long as Tepper insists on being the man in charge of a football organization when he evidently knows less about my wife whose involvement in football consists of her rolling her eyes at me watching it.
  7. Yep. The only mistake he's ever made is trusting the wrong people. He'll get it right this time. Again and again and again. I just hope he gets sick of making an ass out of himself eventually and sells the team or fugs completely off on the football side of the house. My level of interest is in the shitter. At least in years past we were looking at the top of the draft the following year by Halloween. He robbed us of even that this year with his trade for his super processor. This is just complete ass.
  8. This is easily the most depressing time in franchise history to be a Panthers fan. It feels utterly hopeless.
  9. The Carroll thing is weird. He just recently said he wanted to keep coaching. He's a helluva coach. And he's going to stay in the organization in a non-coaching role? That's going to be a really weird dynamic. I hope it's not something healthy related driving this.
  10. Just give them an S2 test with an XBox. We need more super processors!
  11. I don't mind him being about his money. I just wish he'd gone out there this year with a chip on his shoulder to prove that he deserves the type of contract that he wants. I mean, you always hear about guys who only show up on payday years but Burns didn't even do that. It's even more frustrating because IMO freeing him up and maximizing his talents was the primary driver in the defensive scheme switch and then he just flat out no shows in the second half of the year. While talking about wanting to be one of the highest players in the lig. Bruh, just go on and GTFO of here with that poo.
  12. Good for him. He was one helluva college player. Not panning out in the NFL and being known as a bust because an idiot GM overdrafted you and traded up to do it doesn't change that. Never had any ill will toward Armanti. Sure sounded like he did everything asked of him by the coaching staff and put in the work. That's all you can ask of from a player. If that's not enough then it's a coaching and/or talent evaluation problem.
  13. I honestly don't really care. My preference is tag and trade but I'm to the point of being fine with letting him walk too. Any option is a better option than meeting his contract desires.
  14. This is the only Panthers podcast you need. Very in depth. Covers every topic.
  15. Kinda like how the Panthers were considered a good job before everyone figured out that Tepper was both an idiot and an asshole.
  16. I just don't want another yes man. With that said, we're absolutely getting another yes man because that's what Tepper demands.
  17. Corum was one helluva college RB. Great vision and really good balance. But I have real questions about his burst at the NFL level. And I'm also concerned about how much of the tread is gone off his tires. He was an absolute workhorse at Michigan. Ultimately I think he's one of those great Big 10 backs that don't translate at the NFL level.
  18. Trading next year's 1st for Belichick and then Belichick just saying "fug this, I retire" would be
  19. I'm just in for the morbid entertainment of seeing exactly how bad David Tepper can thoroughly fug a franchise.
  20. I do feel bad for Washington tonight. Coming up short in the big game always sucks. We know that all too well. But it stings even worse for them IMO with the PAC-12 dissolving. Oh, you're the reigning champs of a defunct conference. Yay. Nope, now you're just another team in the Big 10 whose champ just beat you for the national championship. Ouch.
  21. I got drug through the mud all over this place leading up to last year's draft saying Bryce's arm was subpar.
  22. This is just a terrible look for Penix. Suck it up and just get to the locker room. Enough with the pity party of staggering around like you've been shot. I'm all the way out on him.
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