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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. If the team that drafted him in the 1st round and groomed him into the player that he is doesn't think he's worth it, then he's probably not worth it.
  2. I hope Smith goes to SF. I have to imagine they'd release Stevie Johnson if that happens and to be honest, I'd rather have Johnson.
  3. Hell, if the 49ers would cut Johnson and we could get him, I'd let 'em have Torrey Smith. Johnson was a beast for a terrible Bills team.
  4. What was Stevie Johnson? At some point, they just have to admit that it's the guy throwing the ball.
  5. He knows he's digging his own grave. At this point though, he has no choice to just keep digging and ride it out as long as he can - i.e. when Brees retires.
  6. Yep, the Saints just keep kicking the can down the road. They'll keep doing it as long as they can keep Brees playing. At some point though, the poo will hit the fan for them with the cap just like it did for us. The difference is that when it hit the fan for us, we were able to land a young franchise QB. It'll be hitting the fan for them as they lose their franchise QB. Gonna be bags on heads again in N.O. before long.
  7. DeAngelo's age and recent production kills his market on it's own. IMO, he's probably a vet min come in and fight for a roster spot type guy at this point.
  8. Megatron and Gronk both struggled with injuries this season. Meanwhile, Ingram had by far his best pro season. Horrible comparisons.
  9. What in the hell does Ingram's contract have to do with DeMarco Murray? Murray had 2261 yards from scrimmage last season. Ingram only has about 500 more than that in his entire four year career.
  10. Suh is a fuging beast, no doubt about it. But I just don't see how you can tie up that type of money in any player who isn't a franchise QB in a league with a hard salary cap like the NFL.
  11. Orlando Franklin isn't an option. He and Kawaan Short would never see eye to eye.
  12. I think that was already in play no matter what happens with Blackburn. TD isn't getting any younger and Klein is decent, but unspectacular. He's basically a younger Chase Blackburn.
  13. Yeah, I have next to zero interest in this TE draft class.
  14. What kind of cap space do they have available? With trams like the Raiders in a position where they HAVE to spend a poo ton of money on the FA market, some of these dudes are gonna get PAID. Sounds like the Chargers are ready to go all out like the Saints in a desperate effort to cash in on the final years of an aging QB. Maybe it'll work out better for them than it has those hicks down on the bayou.
  15. And Gettleman likely knew it, hence why we acted so quickly.
  16. I wouldn't mind having Dickson back, but if other teams are showing interest he's likely gone. I don't think we'd be willing to pay much more than vet min, not should we.
  17. He looked better than ever throwing the ball early in the season last year, then the hits started to take their toll. If we'll actually protect the guy, I think we'll see him make major strides as a pure passer.
  18. A bunch of posters are acting like there's a bunch of All-Pro OTs available for the picking. It's as if they haven't actually looked at the FA OT market and seen that it's incredibly slim pickings. Out of the OTs that got paid good money in FA last year, plenty flopped because they were overpaid by desperate teams. We don't want to be one of those teams. We were interested in Oher last year but the Titans offered him a stupid contract.
  19. Did you just refer to yourself in the 3rd person? Jesus, just when I thought you couldn't possibly be more of a douche on this thread...
  20. I appreciate gettlemanjack's input on other threads, but he's being an asshat here and might end up getting himself banned in the process. I wish he'd just STFU and go back to perusing twitter to bring us useful nuggets. The Oher thing is played out. It was played out 10+ pages ago.
  21. You'd think some would have learned with Mike Mitchell and Ted Ginn that just because guys have sucked elsewhere doesn't automatically mean they'll suck here. Different coaches, different systems, different expectations. Virtually everyone across the board thought the Mike Mitchell signing was a waste of time and the guy played so well for us that he landed a bog money deal with the Steelers.
  22. As the #9 overall pick, he's absolutely a bust. But he wasn't OUR #9 overall pick, so who cares? He played well for us in '13/'14 and we missed him badly last year, both as a returner and as a deep threat WR.
  23. Me too. I wanted Dontari Poe, Michael Brockers, or Stephon Gilmore in that draft. All three were still on the board. Same thing with Jon Beason. I wanted Brandon Meriweather or Greg Olsen. Funny how that one ended up working out. Hell, we almost never drafted the guy I wanted until Gettleman came along. Star (obviously) and KB were the guys I wanted.
  24. I'm gonna watch The Blind Side tonight because fug the naysayers!
  25. gettlemanjack right now: Look at him. How is he supposed to post reasonably when dealing with all this rage?
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