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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I think he's just accepted he's not an NFL QB. He's like me, no amount of work he can put in is going to make him an NFL QB. He just lacks the prerequisite physical talent. Now obviously he has a lot more of that than I do, but we're both below the NFL threshold.
  2. This. No one questions your process when you're performing. It's about your play on the field and staying out of legal trouble. Everything else is whatever.
  3. If he's smart, he was working tirelessly with a top tier financial advisor to best manage the guaranteed money in his rookie contract because it looks like that'll be the last money he makes in football.
  4. No, very different. There are plenty of decent backups who clearly aren't starter caliber but are also clearly among the top 64 QBs in the game of football.
  5. He seems like an absolute control freak. And with his choices failing over and over it's probably driving him to be even more controlling. I don't think he's wired to admit that he's not cut out for something.
  6. I honestly don't know if there's a single QB on an NFL active roster right now that I wouldn't take over Bryce Young. There might be a few on couches I'd take over him too if I really thought about it.
  7. Yeah, he's going to have to just stumble into the right people and they're going to have to succeed despite him to the point that hopefully he'll back off and just let them do their thing.
  8. Yep. When everyone who comes fails it's not everyone else's issue. We very obviously have a massive organizational issue and it's name is David Tepper.
  9. I hate to tell y'all but anyone who comes to work for Tepper didn't have any equivalent other NFL opportunities. They would've chosen another one.
  10. It's hard to point to a specific "worst part". There's just so many to consider. Hard to pick a wrong answer.
  11. I mean, what else is he supposed to say? He knows the same thing we all see - he ain't an NFL QB. I don't mean he's not a starter, I mean he's not an NFL roster caliber QB.
  12. Maximum "leave Brittany alone" energy.
  13. I realized we were dealing with clown world bullshit when leading up to the draft folks started talking about how Bryce was carrying inferior talent in college. Yeah, he played for Alabama with practically nothing but 4 and 5 star teammates, but don't let that fool you. This wasn't a typical Alabama team. Like are you fuging kidding me??? We're still talking about ALA-FUGING-BAMA. A "down year" for Alabama is still a top five college roster. There were probably only a handful of times Bryce ever stepped on a college field when his team didn't have a significant talent advantage.
  14. Because that poo was absolutely hilarious and perfectly incapsulates today's debacle.
  15. "within a system" being the key words you missed.
  16. Tepper might have to offer elite QB money to a coach to get anyone sought after.
  17. Wouldn't surprise me. Tepper changes coaches like they're underwear. The part he doesn't comprehend is that he's made these jobs utterly toxic and no one with other options wants anything to do with them. That's why we have Canales and Morgan. No one else was considering those guys for those level positions. Our lists have to begin where everyone else's lists end.
  18. It just signaled what most of us had already come to realize anyway. David Tepper is basically the GM and the GM is just his secretary to do all the paperwork and day to day BS. When it comes to the actual key decisions, those are Tepper.
  19. I mean, some of us pretty much said all this and we're just dismissed as Bryce haters or negative Nancies or whatever.
  20. I guess"it's too early to say right now" meant nothing. LOL
  21. Darnold has always looked pretty good in short spurts. His issues arise once other teams get tape to study on him within a system. That's when typical Darnold emerges.
  22. There's no choice in the matter. We fuging suck. We are tanking no matter what.
  23. The footwork and mechanics just don't matter. Those are things that come into play if you have the prerequisite talent. Bryce lacks the prerequisite talent. Give him textbook mechanics and he still can't perform.
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