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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Wow. Not a smart move. Not a smart move at all. I know they're deep in cap hell, but Graham is an elite weapon.
  2. Nor do we. I think we're going to try to utilize him in the same role that we did in 2013.
  3. Smart move. Peyton Manning vs. Jay Cutler? No contest. With Julius Thomas gone, that position is wide open for the taking.
  4. Ideally we could use speed, but what we NEED is a better #2 WR. At least we have Ginn back in the fold to add some speed. He was a good field stretcher for us in '13.
  5. Yeah, that's what a I thought. I put it in the cart and it looked like an auto-renew type thing and that's why I didn't go through with it.
  6. Torrey Smith was #1 on my list, but I imagine we got priced out of that one pretty quick if we were even in the running at all. Others included: Cecil Shorts Eddie Royal Michael Crabtree Denarius Moore Hakeem Nicks Who knows, maybe one or more of those names will be in the dumpster when we dive in. I'm not even certain that some of those names would provide a definite upgrade at #2 WR, but they'd at least provide some competition.
  7. Does All-Pro auto-renew? If it does, I'm not interested. I know I'll forget and be stuck paying for it every month from here until eternity (kinda the point of auto-renew, I know). If it doesn't, I'll probably jump onboard. Only really interested in it during the offseason.
  8. With this FA WR market, I expected an upgrade at #2 WR. If we don't sign one, I think that's a very clear sign we're taking another WR in the first three rounds. I thought that was likely anyway, but if we go into the season with this WR corps and this upcoming draft class, forget penciling one in, you can write that in with a Sharpie.
  9. Honestly, when I think orange (the color, not the fruit), I think Tennessee.
  10. If that's the case, I'll admit that I'm a little disappointed. I knew we wouldn't be players for the elite FAs that will sign today, but I was hoping we'd be players in the second wave of FA and not wait until we were picking through the unwanted scrap heap. I know that worked for us with Mike Mitchell and Ginn two years ago, but it backfired pretty badly on us last season.
  11. Okay, so you're just gonna keep whining while adding nothing. Gotcha. Carry on.
  12. Growl, are you gonna name some names or are you just going to keep whining while adding nothing to the conversation?
  13. I'm usually not a grammar Nazi, but my god... My head hurts now. Thanks.
  14. Who? If you played on that Colts' D last year, I'm not interested. It'd be like signing a Panthers' FA OL.
  15. Still waiting on Jerricho Cotchery to finish his 40. He started right after breakfast. Rich Eisen is kicked back on the sideline laughing.
  16. Funny how every time a FA WR name is brought up, it seems like 75% of the Huddle is all, "Do not want." "Too slow." "Not what we need." etc. If we bring in a guy like Shorts, it's not going to be on a contract with much guaranteed money. A guy like him would be brought in to COMPETE. It's like you guys forget that as it stands right now, Jerricho Cotchery is our #2 WR. Jerricho fuging Cotchery. There are numerous FA WRs out there who would likely be available for quite reasonable contracts who would be an instant upgrade over Cotchery.
  17. This. Look at the Saints right now.
  18. Names. Who do you want? We've signed Oher and Ginn, both of whom fit the need to potentially fill huge holes that we have. Namely, a PR/deep threat WR and a starting OT. Neither of whom we invested major guaranteed money in meaning that we have little commitment to them if the signings don't work out. Fortunately, we have inside info on both seeing that Ginn was just here the season before last and our OL coach is Oher's former OL coach in Baltimore. Those are good FA signings in my mind. I'd still like to see us make a play to further upgrade the WR corps. Guys like Cecil Short, Denarius Moore, Hakeem Nicks, Michael Crabtree, Eddie Royal ,etc. are names I wouldn't mind seeing brought in. Rolling the dice on a former elite OT like Jake Long might not be a bad idea either. Make it an incentive laden deal and that way if he can't come back from the ACL or his heart is no longer in it, then no harm, no foul. I just don't get where you're coming from. You're freaking out here, but you don't seem to have anyone in mind. You concede that we aren't going to be players for the elite FA talent and evidently you aren't happy with the likes of Oher and Ginn, so WHO DO YOU WANT that has you in panic mode?
  19. You mean the philosophy of falling backasswards into elite QBs in the draft? The fact that they only got one ring out of Manning's run is a testament to how poorly they managed that team. Peyton Manning alone essentially guarantees you a playoff spot year in and year out. They consistently got bounced early because they never built a defense.
  20. Sigh... Every. Single. Year. Every year people freak the fug out when the Panthers don't wildly overspend on the elite FA talent. We signed Ginn and Oher. Ginn was a guy we really wanted to keep last year and Oher was a guy we had interest in last year before the Titans way overpaid. Free agency hasn't even officially began yet. Calm down, bro. We're still going to sign some more guys, but don't get your panties in a wad when we're not handing out long-term contracts with suitcases full of guaranteed money because that's not going to happen.
  21. Most of the big money OTs from last offseason flopped. Hell, we just signed one of them on the cheap after he signed a big deal last offseason and then got cut. Spending money like a drunken sailor doesn't necessarily equal winning. Historically, the "winners" in free agency usually doesn't translate to winning on the field.
  22. How's Indy looking on D? It's like they didn't learn anything from the Manning era. They're going down the same road again. Stack the offense to the gills and lose in the playoffs because you don't have the D to hang.
  23. I think he does look to address needs in FA, he's just not willing to go down the road of grossly overpaying in order to do it. He's looking for stop gaps and role players in FA, not core players. Adding core players in FA almost always equals grossly overpaying.
  24. I'm not so sure how high Gettleman is on Cotchery either. I mean, hell, he's already admitted that Cotchery was a Dollar Store level signing. I don't see Cotchery as a lock to make the roster at all. I'm fine with him as a 4/5, but as a #2? Terrible.
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