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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Seems like the Panthers never go after the obvious low hanging fruit. We did the same thing with James Hurst last year and Collins is a far superior talent than Hurst was. It just seems like if a move makes obvious sense for the Panthers, it's a clear indication that's what we certainly WON'T do.
  2. You have got to be fugging kidding me. What in the hell is he thinking? He had his pick of teams and he's going to the team that has the best OL in the NFL??? A team that will give him zero chance to play at LT, which is the big money position on the OL??? Wow.
  3. The Pats either cheat a lot more than any other organization or they're a lot worse at cheating than any other organization.
  4. There's a reason why Collins was wanting to pull out of the draft and either enter the supplemental draft or enter the 2016 draft and that reason is $$$$. He's going to lose millions in the next few years by going undrafted. Seems like some people are overlooking the fact that Collins and his agent TRIED to pull out of the draft and that it was the NFL that denied them the ability to do so.
  5. True. Both have relatively short arms a shade over 33" too.
  6. "Not considered a suspect" is different than "cleared as a suspect". The former means that they have no reason to think of him as a suspect at the time, but that could've potentially changed. The latter means that they have enough information to clearly determine that he wasn't involved.
  7. Not sure about that. Gettleman said he thought there were 4-5 potential NFL LTs in this draft. Not sure Collins was one of them. Word is that the Panthers didn't have a 1st round grade on Collins, so that leads me to believe that Gettleman doesn't think he's an NFL LT. If you look at Gettleman's picks, he's a big measurements guy in terms of height/weight. Almost all of the guys he drafts are prototype size. Collins isn't a prototype LT in terms of height/weight. That doesn't mean he can't become a very good NFL LT (Collins is almost identical to Gross in terms of height/weight), but it does make me wonder if Gettleman doesn't envision him as a NFL LT.
  8. And how do you accurately determine that? IMO, the NFL should've let the kid withdraw his name from the regular draft and enter the supplemental draft. Not sure why they didn't. I thought that made a ton of sense for everyone involved.
  9. If the kid truly had nothing to do with this and was simply a victim of circumstance, he got screwed HARD. With that said, there's no way that Gettleman and other Panthers' staff haven't had some conversations with Trai Turner to get the scoop on this guy. I have to think if he's fully cleared, we make a hard push to sign him.
  10. The NFL has a problem. While in the grand scheme of things, something as simple as this probably doesn't have a huge impact on the outcome of games, it has to have SOME impact or else teams wouldn't risk violating the rules and suffering the consequences to do it. Think about how many recent Super Bowl wins have been tainted to some degree. The Saints with the bounty issue, the Pats with the spying issue, and now this. That's significant. IMO, it's time to really throw the book at the Pats. They've yet to win one cleanly and are repeat offenders.
  11. Each team controls the balls that they use on offense. Which, in itself was a dumb policy to begin with.
  12. Bucs take the last WR I was interested in. All in on Tax Crockett now.
  13. LOL! Barring injury, Rodgers probably has 5-6 years left in the tank.
  14. Sucks for Hundley going to sit being Rodgers. Packers trying to turn him into trade bait in a year or two?
  15. LOL! Mel Kiper looked like a huge tool in HS. Some things never change.
  16. Really hoping that Taz Crockett is one of our 5th rounders if he makes it to us.
  17. I think the fact that Jarrett is barely 6' tall caused him to slip. If he was 3" taller he probably goes 2 round earlier.
  18. Yep, Ryan was a guy I really liked.
  19. Give me two out of the following in the 5th and I'll be happy as can be: WR with speed, DL, DB, RB
  20. He should compete to start at RT right away. The fact that he's going to get work at LT shows that we thinthink he might have potential there. Very good pick. Maybe my favorite pick of the draft so far. Really thought that with this OT class we might wait until the 4th or 5th to take one.
  21. There's no way to know. But, really? You're really sitting here talking about "draft experts" like Mel Kiper who NFL front office people openly mock and fantasy drafts? Good lord...
  22. poo. INO, the Flacons just got the 2nd best RB in the draft in the 3rd round.
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