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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. LOL! What? Jamison was one of the quickest players on the bounce I've ever seen. He could jump twice quicker than most guys could jump once. The guy seemed like he was playing on a logo stick. Kaminsky and Jamison couldn't be much more different as players and as athletes. Kaminsky can be a dangerous complimentary player on offense, but I think he'll almost certainly always be a defensive liability. I basically view him as a less athletic version of Brad Miller. Smart player with the ability to stretch the floor with his shooting ability from the 5 spot.
  2. If you don't like the content of the thread, don't click on it. It's not like you were baited into a women's soccer thread by a misleading title.
  3. I won't fight you fight you for it. Agree that SD > LA, but you can have them both. I just wish that CA could do a better job retaining their people. There's a full on Californian invasion here in CO.
  4. I have to go toto southern CA quite a bit for work. Can't wait to leave every single time.
  5. She wasn't attacking him when he slapped her with that belt like he was Indiana Jones. That was indefensible, not to even mention the UFC style ground and pound he was unleashing on that guy toward the end who already looked badly hurt if not even unconscious. You gotta be demented to think there's nothing wrong with that video. Seriously.
  6. Seriously. Sometimes the guys who never played at any level expose themselves. OL and DL on the same team are rarely friends. You usually don't like each other much because you're going at it everyday in practice.
  7. Honestly, it's a good sign. Our DL is probably accustomed to just running all over our shoddy OLs in the past. It's good that our OL is frustrating them this year.
  8. I'm getting old. Just got a FB message this week that they're planning our 15 year HS reunion this fall.
  9. Stacked? No, definitely not. Bersin has zero chance to earn a roster spot on a stacked WR roster. I can understand why fans think it's stacked though. We look like we may actually have the talent pool to field a legit NFL WR corps here in Carolina for the first time in a looooooong time. But stacked? No.
  10. I hate to tell them, but life itself is a long-term health risk. We're all gonna end up dying from something and very few of us will end up with the stories and $$$$$ of a professional athlete. Better to burn out than fade away.
  11. I think some of these guys aren't thinking it through. They haven't been out there working a 9-5 that they honestly couldn't care less about for pennies on the dollar of what they could be making playing football. A year or two of doing that and they may wake up and realize that making millions to play a game was a pretty damn good gig.
  12. ​Terrence Murphy. He was a rookie too, their second round pick that year. That kid never played again. On a side note, I was actually the person who told TD that he ended that guy's career.
  13. ​Dude finished game with a ruptued spleen. People can say what they want about Chris Simms, but that dude has got to be fuging tough.
  14. This. Really only our top 3 WRs get significant run. We rarely go 5 wide and when we go 4 wide, Olsen is one of the 4. I figured it'd be tough for Bersin to make the team simply because I thought we'd want our bottom of the roster WRs to be contributors on special teams.
  15. Our second round pick that we traded up to get should have "at least some involvement in" our offense this year... thanks for the stellar insight, Rotoworld!
  16. That's just arm length, not wingspan. His wingspan is probably at least 6" longer than Funchess. Wingspan = fingertips to fingertips so it includes both armlength and shoulder width.
  17. I gave up on Stew remaining healthy years ago. Hope he proves me wrong and plays every game and puts up great numbers, but history says it won't happen.
  18. The Huddle is gonna be apoplectic of this deal isn't signed, sealed, and delivered by the end of the day tomorrow.
  19. Minor but cumulative. Just shows that Manzuel is still immature and can't be trusted off the field. No one wants that in their QB. Well, no one except the Bucs evidently.
  20. Everyone knew Manziel had significant off field concerns coming into the NFL, but I'm not sure anyone thought he'd be this big of a trainwreck. It sucks, because I'd like to see him get his poo together and actually have a real go in the NFL just to see if he could make it work. Dude was exciting as hell to watch in college.
  21. ​Well, that depends. If the player stays healthy and performs well, it is. If the player struggles with injuries or doesn't live up to the contract, then the organization is royally screwed.
  22. It's my understanding that the fully guaranteed money in an NFL contract immediately goes into escrow. Does JR really have $100M in liquid assets just lying around to use on a whim? If the reports are to believe, it sounds like this deal came together very quickly, so yeah, he'd have to have $100M in liquid assets just lying around to use on a whim if the contract is fully guaranteed. FWIW, I'm not buying this fully guaranteed stuff.
  23. ​Doubtful. Once you've been playing that long your throwing motion is pretty much set. Seems like every year some QB shows off his new and improved throwing motion at the combine and/or pro day, but once he gets in a game he reverts back to what he's always done. When having to react on the fly, years and years of ingrained muscle memory is almost impossible to overcome.
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