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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Any NC school not UNC that is. You're a pure ABCer. It's fine, just own it.
  2. It was always hard for me to follow the NBA due to the number of games. Individual regular season games just feel completely meaningless. Then all the playoffs went to 7 game series where even the assumed lopsided playoff matchups kinda felt like the early games in the series were meaningless unless the overmatched team could steal some Ws. Just too many games that feel meaningless. That combined with a shift toward every game played well over 100 and it was just like... yeah, this poo is dumb.
  3. I've always been that way with basketball. I just went from watching some NBA to no NBA. I'm still a big NFL fan.
  4. This is why I just lost interest in the NBA.
  5. College bball was my favorite sport by a landslide growing up. I've pretty much been a Carolina only viewer for years now though. I probably watch single digit numbers of non-UNC games and virtually all of them in the NCAA tourney but I only watch tourney games as long as Carolina is in it. Once Carolina is out my college bball season is over. I've probably watched fewer than five NBA games in the past 20 years.
  6. Satisfying W. I love handing dirty ass teams Ls. RJ Davis has to be in the Naismith conversation.
  7. I hate that refs reward dirty ass play. The dirty team sprints out to a bunch of fouls causing the refs to get nervous about the optics of the foul count and then starts calling a bunch of ticky tack poo to even the count up. If UNC loses this game it will be because of missed layups. We've left 30 points on the court in missed layups.
  8. There will be no Streisand effect, just a bunch of former posters.
  9. It just is what it is. Tepper isn't ready to accept it yet. I just hope he doesn't rage fire more coaches mid-season because his super processor looks like a JV QB playing against the varsity squad.
  10. There's gonna end up being a fight in this game and it's gonna be because the refs have let FSU's "strategy" get out of hand.
  11. FSU has interesting defensive and rebounding strategy. Defensive strategy - beat the hell out of them. Rebounding strategy - beat the hell out of them.
  12. Double down on him for THIS year. Fine. I'd prefer a decent vet be allowed to push him but whatever. But if he sucks again you have to swallow the bitter pill and move on.
  13. "Get you a stud of a QB. There ya go, offense is done. Receivers? OL? Pffff... spend all your resources on defense and beat on that stud of a QB like a late '70s station wagon in an Indiana county fair demolition derby and ride him til the wheels fall off."
  14. He's a ditch kitty. His mom is jet black. His dad looks just like him. He very rarely utters a peep. Our orange tabby is a month younger and is very vocal. They're both big cats. The white one is 10 months and the orange one is 9 months. White one is 12 pounds and the orange one is 13 pounds.
  15. He's a good ST coach but honestly the interim HC has to go. Just the way it is. He'll land elsewhere as a ST coordinator no problem.
  16. We have had some really terrible OL in our history but I'm not sure if any are worse than Zavala.
  17. Well, I guess we should hope that they hate the Dan Morgan hire. If they love the coach hire and hate the GM hire we might be onto something.
  18. Holy poo, it's 70 damn degrees. I hope this doesn't kickstart the maples into budding. Sap collection is over as soon as they begin budding. There should be a good month left but we should be a good month away from flirting with 70 degree temps too.
  19. Why is anyone surprised? We already know Tepper is gonna fug this up. The entertainment of being a Panthers fan has shifted from rooting to win to just enjoying the poo show for what it is. Let's just sit back and see how badly Tepper can embarrass himself.
  20. Are you aware of the long list of great college players who didn't translate to the NFL? After you get drafted what you accomplished in college is no longer relevant. Ironically enough, I was bringing up these same raw talent questions pre-draft last year. The evidence was all over his college tape.
  21. What traits are there? Exactly what did he show on an NFL field that makes you think that the traits are there at the NFL level? What he did in college no longer matters at all for a Panthers fan. It's completely irrelevant now that we have 16 NFL games to go off of.
  22. Great at what? In the NFL that is. What he was this year was a bad QB who didn't look like he belonged on an NFL field. This ain't college anymore. Lots of great college players fail to translate to the NFL level.
  23. Did Tannehill though? I mean, he had one really good year. Other than that he was pretty much still the same guy. Josh Allen improved more as a pure passer than anyone I've ever seen, but he always had ELITE raw physical talent. Bryce could only dream of the talent level Josh Allen has.
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