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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. Prior to that even. The Panthers have always sucked at drafting WRs.
  2. Most of the ire at Thielen came from him not being a true #1. Well, no poo. He was signed to be the slot receiver and a second if not third tier target. It's not Thielen's fault that everyone else sucked. He excelled beyond expectations in his role.
  3. Unfortunately there's ample film of him being terrible on an NFL field. I'd rather draft a 6th or 7th round rookie than trade the pick for someone who has already proven himself terrible.
  4. It's pretty wild how terrible this franchise has been at drafting WRs. By far the best WR in franchise history was a mid-round pick drafted in large part for his abilities as a returner.
  5. Quarter it and debone it in the field. No doubt about it, it would've sucked and the specific geography of the pack out would've played a big role in whether or not I would've taken a shot had the opportunity presented itself.
  6. We're to the point with Tepper's team that everyone is just going to assume that it's going to be an abysmal failure until proven otherwise and to be fair it's a well earned expectation.
  7. And usually when a guy has 4 fouls he has to really earn #5. I don't recall the specifics of every foul on him but #4 and #5 were both ticky tack bullshit and I doubt any of the five were more egregious than the one they missed on RJ's final shot.
  8. The way Cadeau was officiated in that game was baffling. Not just that he picked up 5 fouls in the span of about 10 minutes in the second half but the non-calls. He got hammered with no call on a couple of drives and was blatantly pushed off on twice on drives that even had the announcers saying... like damn man, that's a foul. lol
  9. I hate the killing. If I ever stopped hating it I'd go seek help. I mean, I hate it to the point I've actually considered stopping eating meat myself and I honestly think that if you're not willing to do the killing you should stop eating meat. Just because the blood isn't on your hands literally doesn't mean it's not on you're hands figuratively. The actual process of hunting, the scouting being out there, etc? I fuging LOVE it. I used to do a 4 day solo backpacking elk hunt every year in CO. I need to start doing it back here. There's plenty of places in the western NC national forests to do it. There was one year in the Flat Tops when my daughter was a young toddler that it was BRUTAL. They were calling for cold temps but they were calling for single digits at night and hovering around freezing during the day. Uh... wrong. It got to -20 at night and didn't break the teens during the day. You know it's cold when 15 feels downright balmy and has you soaking up the "warmth". I honestly didn't think I was gonna be able to tough that one out. Didn't even get an elk. Conditions were impossible. There was about 10" of snow on the ground with a freeze/thaw ice sheet on top that sounded like a .22 rifle shot with every step. Getting around was exhausting. The ice sheet would almost support your weight just to have your feet go crashing through as you took a step. But damn it was beautiful. I'll always remember that hunt even though it was completely and utterly unsuccessful in acquiring meat but was a raving success in terms of getting the mental reset I crave out of disappearing into the mountains for a few days.
  10. TV Teddy, man. I have no idea how he's maintained a job. But the ACC consistently has the worst refs in the game, basketball and football alike.
  11. Jersey is too light of a shade of blue evidently.
  12. We played like poo and they played by far their best game of the year but we still got fuged.
  13. Got hammered. No call. fug it. Take it out on dook.
  14. And Elliott Cadeau must have fuged one of these refs daughters last night. They did that kid wrong.
  15. This is what happens when you're looking past an opponent to the next game. We've been atrocious since the midway point of the first half.
  16. I've said for awhile I'd have an open competition at LT in camp between Icky and Christensen with the plan to Olay the loser at LG. It is what it is. Getting an OG at #6 is disappointing but getting a LT in the 3rd is a steal so it all washes out.
  17. It's a win if we win. If they retool and stay ahead of us then what have we really accomplished?
  18. So much depends on the scheme. If we're not gonna allow Icky to be a mauler at LT then he can't play LT.
  19. I try to get most of my meat from venison. I find it hilarious how so many folks will criticize hunters as cruel while they're sitting there eating a factory farmed burger. I grew up on a small cattle farm. We treated our animals well but they were raised for slaughter. It never sat well with me. Feels like serial killer poo. That deer or elk recognizes me as a predator. They have a natural fear and actively try to avoid me. Virtually every wild animal born is guaranteed a horrible death. They get old and starve to death or freeze to death or get ripped apart by coyotes. Mother Nature is beautiful but cruel and unforgiving. Killing a deer or elk that recognizes me as a predator and is trying to avoid me feels fair. It feels natural. Raising an animal that comes to trust me and relies on me for food and then killing it feels really fuged up.
  20. This. Olsen was a stud TE. Our WRs were a consistent issue but Greg Olsen was that dude at TE.
  21. Accurate. He wasn't a lock we were just enroute to go meet with him less than 24 hours after his team was eliminated from the Super Bowl just to do some more casual interviewing.
  22. Hopefully getting a lot of feedback from the new staff on exactly what they want him to specifically be working on and then drinking the hell out of that with his private QB coach.
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