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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This is classic Bacot. So glad he's having a big night. He's been off lately. RJ's scoring and Ingram's rebounding seemed to have thrown him off but he's just gotta be him. We don't need him getting 20 and 15 this year and that's not a bad thing.
  2. I've never heard anyone use it the way you said. For what you're talking about someone would say "late 30s" or "pushing 40" or something along those lines. "Wrong side of an age" just means over that age.
  3. duke obviously came in focused on taking RJ Davis out of the game and they've succeeded in that, but the heavy focus on RJ isn't helping them. They're giving up too many easy opportunities elsewhere. Will be interesting to see if they adjust after halftime or if they're just willing to lose as long as it's not RJ they beats them.
  4. I've never seen anything like it. Draft prospects - especially QBs - usually get absolutely nitpicked to death but for whatever reason just about everyone seemed willing if not downright eager to look past a multitude of red flags with Bryce all the way to fully beclowning themselves creating a narrative that Bryce was held back by inferior surrounding talent in college at ALABAMA.
  5. You really can't. No one was defrauded. The Panthers just made a really dumb decision.
  6. Your job as a draft prospect and a draft prospect's agent is to maximize your draft stock. Blaming Bryce for deception is just dumb. Honestly, the Panthers were smitten and sold. Bryce could've stepped on the scale at 189 and floated dying ducks at the combine and they would've still drafted him because they were sold on him being a "super processor" who could overcome any and all physical deficiencies.
  7. This. All the deficiencies he showed in his rookie year were there clear to be seen in college. The Panthers just thought he could overcome them.
  8. That'd be the wrong side of 35. That REALLY shouldn't require explanation. lol
  9. At the expense of parting with valuable assets. I don't want to bet anymore valuable assets on Bryce Young. If the guy isn't potentially a part of the plan for the 2025 top 5 pick, I don't want him.
  10. I just don't think Bryce is it and adding bad attitude WRs on the wrong side of 30 isn't gonna help us for the future.
  11. This would be a valid point if there were no other FA WRs available.
  12. Diggs is an asshole and proves to be an unpopular teammate every he goes. And now he's on the wrong side of 30. HARD PASS.
  13. Brees is an example of a great QB with truly NFL average arm strength. His arm wasn't a plus but it also wasn't a deficiency. That's what I was hoping would be the case with Bryce but I also realized leading up to the draft that it was the best case for Bryce's arm.
  14. You can do all the coping you want to do but it doesn't change the reality that Bryce's arm limits the passes he can attempt vs. other NFL QBs. Yes, his arm strength is absolutely 100% subpar for an NFL QB.
  15. Look through the entire franchise history. When you have most 30 years of history and you're left clinging to a handful you've done terribly overall.
  16. You don't even have to go cherry pick highlights. You can turn on any given NFL game and see multiple throws that Bryce Young is simply not capable of making.
  17. Mac Jones is the only other starting QB I'd even consider putting in the "Bryce tier" of arm strength and I still think that's probably unfair to Jones. His arm is definitely subpar but I still think it's better than Bryce's.
  18. It's wild to me to sit here and watch otherwise seemingly reasonable, decently intelligent people still try to deny that Bryce Young has a serious arm strength deficiency in the NFL. I was telling y'all this a year ago.
  19. Y'all gotta let the college tape go or at least see it for what it is. Every throw where Bryce looks to show decent arm strength he has a ton of room to step into the throw and follow through. Yes, our OL sucked but watch other games. Watch other QBs still generate velocity and drive the ball even when under pressure. Hell, watch Andy Dalton do it in Seattle in our offense. THAT is what Bryce can't do. If you need everything to go perfectly in order to create velocity and/or go downfield you aren't an NFL QB. Pockets are usually muddy in the NFL. Those NFL defenses are actually pretty good too. You're not able to stand around and do your taxes while waiting on one of your future NFL WRs beats the brakes off of a future PE teacher like you could at Alabama. Don't forget, people had to create this hilarious narrative that Bryce was having to carry inferior talent at ALA-fuging-BAMA in order to explain some of the shortcomings that were clearly apparent in his college film. If you gotta make lack of surrounding talent excuses for an Alabama player... oh wee mayne.
  20. Probably about the same as Rhule. They'll get two years and if there isn't significant improvement early in in year three their fate will likely be sealed. I think that's about all the patience Tepper has. That's assuming they aren't tied to saving the super processor. If they are they're fuged from jump street. Enjoy those severances.
  21. I could see that. If some team liked him in the draft and thinks there might be something salvageable there throw out a conditional late rounder to secure him and if he doesn't make the roster it cost you nothing anyway.
  22. Yeah, we've basically drafted three quality receivers in the history of the franchise. I mean, KB and LaFell probably round out the top 5. Yikes.
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