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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. I hope he privately realizes that he invested a fortune in a penny stock that has flat lined.
  2. This. If we had a promising young QB everyone would be frustrated about the abysmal D but the overall hope for the future would be completely different. Again, just like Cam's rookie year.
  3. Our D gave up 47 to a likely mediocre offense. Put prime Cam on this team and we're still bad. It's be like his rookie year where we put up enough points to compete but the D would consistently find a way to give up more.
  4. I see plenty of emotion from Bryce on the sidelines, it just always this
  5. I think what they're trying to tell us is that anyone dumb enough to still be a Panthers fan probably needs to be walking around wearing a football helmet on a daily basis.
  6. A few of them work. Most of them just look awful and ridiculous though, ours included.
  7. It's fitting. It looks like a Panthers hat with tire tracks across it from the rest of the NFL running us over
  8. Yeah, the severity of his concussions is honestly even more concerning than the number. Every time this dude takes any hit to the head his brain says
  9. You're not getting a 3rd round pick for Andy fuging Dalton. LOL
  10. Miss announcer lady, we all knew Tua had a concussion when he crashed to the turf unconscious but thanks anyway. LOL
  11. We would've won a SB had they did that but it didn't have anything to do with his shoulder injuries. His initial shoulder injury came on a tackle after an INT when KB quit on a route.
  12. It's not just that he's getting concussions they're all bad ones. He's that boxer that isn't just getting TKO'd he's...
  13. Might be time for Tua to pull a Luke and walk away. Any hit to the head and he's concussed. Your body is telling you something, listen to it.
  14. Agreed. I'm paying Mahomes, I'm paying Lamar and praying he can put it together in the playoffs, paying Allen, paying Burrow, paying Stroud when the time comes. Get past those guys and I'm struggling to justify it. Maybe you can go a tad deeper and argue for a Hurts? Stafford? I'm really struggling to go deeper than that. There's some guys on rookie contracts who can play themselves into that conversation but they're not there yet.
  15. At some point teams have to realize that you can't pay these QBs market value unless you have a legit MVP caliber guy. These contracts force you to save money elsewhere on your roster and if that guy can't make up that difference you gotta just let him walk and draft another one.
  16. That's as ugly of a play from a QB as you'll see at the NFL level. LOL
  17. Bryce can be Tua they said. Well, I'm watching Tua right now. Maybe they were actually right. LOL
  18. Yeah, his obvious flaws aside there's plenty of former players with positive things to say about JR. It'd probably be pretty hard to find anyone who isn't currently cashing checks from Tepper to speak positively about him.
  19. This. We have near 100% roster turnover since Tepper bought the team and we have over 100% coaching staff and front office staff. It's very obvious where the primary issue lies.
  20. Bryce's college tape honestly always looked to me like the classic "very good college player that won't translate to the NFL". Very little he did on the college field looked like it would translate to the NFL, both from a physical tool set standpoint and a stylistic standpoint. His physical tools were all subpar and dropping back 10 yards behind your OL so that you can see over the line just puts way too much pressure on your OTs against NFL edge rushers. It won't work. I just don't know why so many people couldn't or wouldn't see it.
  21. What baffled me is how all the media pretty much acknowledged that he had all these physical shortcomings but still convinced themselves that Bryce's mind would be more than enough to compensate. Like... what? Then fans here would post highlight reels and I'm like, this is what you're hanging your hat on? Actually look at the entirety of the play. There's ten yards of clean field in front of Bryce on nearly every highlight. A WR with five yards of separation on the other end. Hardly anything showing Bryce making plays under pressure throwing to decently covered receivers. THAT is what you have to be able to do in the NFL. That's the typical play in the NFL.
  22. I remember leading up to the draft trying to tell people this guy's arm was NFL average at best and IMO was NFL below average and they'd smugly tell me that well all the experts disagree with you, what ya think you're smarter than all of them? Well... what now?
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