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Everything posted by strato

  1. Whatever it was, watching Hunt just get walked backwards mano a mano, that was fairly shocking to me. Not supposed to happen.
  2. I was on board with keeping him simply because of that guaranteed deal, and we would need to replace him as backup. Put another way we would need a backup anyway so why not get the value out of him? But it just keeps the dream alive and I am afraid he will end up out there because of what is invested in him, and I am simply not aligned with that at all. I mean, if you have an alcoholic in the house, keeping them sober is easier when they don't have the temptation within arm's reach. Bryce being the alcohol, Tepper being the alcoholic, in this little analogy.
  3. He did well with the last 4th round pick, maybe he can turn this into something. Just sucks seeing another 2nd round WR pick wasted. And we are going to be thin now. He was getting snaps. Who the heck is behind him? Sign TMJr off someone's practice squad? He knows the plays at least.
  4. And maybe the drive before that, throwing it OB on third and 6 or something. Which is the Bryce I know.
  5. I think I mean that, just glancing over it. He would not step into throws in pressure it is all on film. The passing charts bear it out. You can substitute a word of your choice for 'afraid' if that bothers you. The idea is the same, he would not do it for whatever reason. This goes all the way back to game 3 2023 when after two games of this small ball, Dalton went downfield and surprise surprise... you could really see the difference in the offense right away. The last two games he has stood in there finally, better, but the actual aggressive downfield stuff just happened finally. DO I think he just all of a sudden decided hey I better start throwing down field? I think he is motivated by something, like staying off the bench.
  6. I really don't care where they get a replacement from. I don't think you need a lot to replace what he gives you in the first place. Was against trading up for QB in 2023, and am not demanding we use the top on a QB this time. At the same time, if they do take one it is a much cheaper gamble, even if somehow they do get the top pick. Which I am not betting on.
  7. If it means a season of Young starting at QB no thanks, had enough. As much as I want to improve the defense, it ain't worth it.
  8. I think they are screwing A'Shawn over the last two weeks. Not surprised with Hunt, what the hell man? Are you injured?
  9. Tall, lol. But I said it the week before, he stood in and took the heat a couple of times. You have to be willing to do that. If this guy isn't gushing over good plays and blaming others for failures, like most of last year then maybe I'll watch. The play calling, I think, has been totally centered around protecting him from stuff by not asking him to do things he struggles with. Limiting the offense and maybe leading to criticism of the play calling. At the end of that game I felt like Canales probably was like, if you ever want to see the field again you will throw to the downfield option the play was designed for. Because all of a sudden there goes the ball down the field more than once, which he has been afraid of doing since he came to the team.
  10. He is still nonchalantly throwing the ball away on 3rd down, fug that so much.
  11. Saints OL was bad too, it kept the score down against our defense. They were fairly well decimated. When has our D stopped anybody? They stopped the Saints a lot. That is a clue.
  12. Dalton, especially if Brooks is playing. He runs the offense the way it needs to be run. He had a couple weeks off to rest that arm. The defense got some guys back.
  13. A lot won't show up until he does something I don't know Gipetto. I know we have a solid two out the twenty-thirty people that regularly post and you can find them by following the poo at he bottom of Bryce criticism or non fanhood type posts. They are the hardcores, most have either faded and won't engage without a favorable Bryce climate.
  14. Pretty sure the reference was to the throw that Legette left the game after catching in the 1st half. One of his hands or his wrist, took a hit after a hospital type duck left him exposed.
  15. I would give you a clue, look for the poo left on people's posts that are 'anti' Bryce. That might be a stan.
  16. We weren’t going to need good WRs with our little point guard, remember?
  17. Matt Millen might be in the conversation. You can probably look at a bunch of old school losing teams and look up their GMs. We don't remember their names.
  18. I think he got lucky with a couple of throws. It's like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play. I saw it work for Russell Wilson - due to his receivers, mostly. He needed to go downfield his first game in the league. And finally he threw caution to the wind and did it. I don't think that I think he can thrive doing that but it is the only hope there is. A winning team, week in week out, has to have the real threat of a big play downfield.
  19. We have a rookie HC. People are on him for everything. I had more to say but to simplify it... A bad play call or 20 or clock mismanagement, and everything thing else, are not the main attraction. The Bryce question is goal one. You have to get that right. He is fixed, he isn't the guy, that question. If you get that right I forgive the rookie stuff. If you get it wrong you could be the greatest play caller ever, you failed. So I'll wait.
  20. The future with Bryce... man I hope he is not the future That last drive, he got a PI on an underthrown ball. Crown him. Better, yes. But at his rate of improving, maybe by year 5 he'll be above replacement level, then we can pay him like he is the GOAT. That is the future if he is allowed to stay. Let someone else get the 'benefit' of Bryce.
  21. Trade him. Took him a year and a half, more, to do what he was supposed to do game 1 and that is throw the ball down the field and stretch the defense. I feel like he only did it late because he was ordered to. Because it looked like a switch was flipped to me.
  22. You seem surprised that he would throw ducks? Point is, you can't win without doing it. There are good things that can happen even on bad throws.. like the PI call. Like a 50/50 Sanders catch on a prayer.
  23. Yet is actually is a victory that he is willing to throw it. I honestly think Canales might have threatened him if he kept checking it down or throwing it away. Go down the field with the ball and let what will happen, happen.
  24. I had a feeling about this game. I have watched the Saints three or four times this year, they aren’t the team that beat us down game 1 anymore, at all.
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