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Everything posted by Selltheteamtepper

  1. That lends itself to the belief that Tepper will hire a Coach/GM and give them full control. Which would be a great thing. Problem is that the list of coaches who have the necessary experience is limited. Belicheck?
  2. The resources would be more wisely spent on a QB who handles pressure better. There aren’t better tackles than Ikey and Moton even available where we’re drafting or on the market. We only have about $40 million to spend, and teams don’t let good tackles walk. If Bryce needs the Ravens line to be serviceable then he’s not it. There’s only like 5 good lines in the league and they take years to construct.
  3. Take it a step further and include comeback player of the year candidate Baker Mayfield’s numbers. 4k yards 30 TDs….
  4. The worst part is that it’s actually going to get worse. We’re stuck with Bryce for 4 years and have no 1st overall next year and no 2nd in 25, and not much space, bad contracts on books. There’s literally no hope.
  5. No it was just getting traction so I shared. The person who posted it said the sticky note thing on Facebook
  6. A long time PSL holder who I trust told me today that he heard the team’s pro scouts have been keeping a close eye on Justin Fields recently. He theorized we could trade Burns for Fields and picks. I thought it was interesting bc Fields is a lot like Cam and we already know the Bears want Burns and we need picks. Fields has looked great recently. Tepper is close with the McCaskeys. Something to absolutely keep an eye on. How would you feel about getting back into the first and pick it up Fields?
  7. The NFL is the ultimate competition amongst billionaires. They all know each other very well. This all must be so embarrassing for Tepper, and no one is more deserving of it.
  8. I knew early bc I’m friends with some Richardson era office people who were forced out and told me all the horror stories. I was totally done with him after he traded away CMC for day 2 and 3 picks. Lake Norman isn’t the same without him.
  9. Unbelievable that there’s still no statement from Tepper or the team. This means the players and coaches will have to answer for him tomorrow at the presser. He’s forcing them to answer for him.
  10. He’s not even good with the media. He looks nervous. He stutters, repeats himself, doesn’t speak clearly and uses a limited vocabulary. We were told he was this cool calm and collected mental savant who never gets rattled, the likes of which the league had never seen. Totally overmatched in all areas. Incredibly poor scouting.
  11. They all plan on taking advantage of his impatience and ineptitude. Every one of them is salavating over the thought of Tepper trading our defensive assets and future picks. They won’t get rid of him, yet. Only if he stains the shield so bad that it hurts the league financially.
  12. If Tepper doesn’t apologize by tomorrow his interim coaches will have to answer his actions. Would be a horrible look.
  13. The funny part is that Tepper deeply cares about what people think of him. He wants to be liked so bad.
  14. I’m worried all the pressure to improve the offense quickly will lead to Tepper making bad decisions; like trading away defensive assets.
  15. Up to 450 signatures. Please feel free to leave a comment. Every comment will be written on a post it note and stuck to mint street at the conclusion of the season. Have to send a message. https://www.change.org/p/force-david-tepper-to-sell-the-carolina-panthers?source_location=petitions_browse
  16. Tepper already said he has veto power. Meaning everyone they draft is to appease him. Scott will be fired but make no bones about it Tepper takes all blame.
  17. The tape is even worse than it seemed live. Bryce was not seeing guys wide open downfield all game. Jacksonville stopped even trying to cover guys 30+ yards downfield.
  18. I’m a PSL holder. I’d estimate 80 to 90% of PSL holders are Christian conservatives. You don’t have to agree, but if we don’t like what’s happening the team is on a world of trouble. We can make this whole thing financially unviable if we want to.
  19. The list is endless…. - weird stuff with the trans and male cheerleaders. - got his wife involved with football operations - signed Eric Reid and worked out Kaepernick in the middle of the anthem protest despite the fact most our fans and players were very patriotic - traded CMC, DJ Moore and #1 overall pick for a QB who can’t get on roller coasters at carowinds - tried fleecing the tax payers in rock hill, fleeced the American tax payers pocketing billions in bail out - fired or forced out all the best, honest, Richardson people in the org - made all kinds of political statements which don’t align with the Bible Belt and most of the well paying fans He runs the team like he’s a totalitarian dictator, making moves which he thinks will make himself more popular. Truthfully he’s a carpetbagger who needs to sell before it goes belly up.
  20. They should have benched Bryce like the coaches wanted. 12 weeks with a healthy Dalton and this defense and we get to 4 or 5 wins and save face.
  21. Need to send a message I hope no one attends the game.
  22. If Bo Nix or Michael Penix take a Levis slide and are sitting there at 33 you have to consider them.
  23. He’s a timid skinny 5’7 kid, it’s so plainly obvious that it won’t work. No need to waste 3 years of our lives here. Bring in a normal sized tough QB to compete(take over).
  24. Tepper wants to be liked so he has a democratic approach where everyone in the building has input(but he ultimately has veto power). This is a failed approach in the league. The best teams allow their coach to make personnel decisions. The whole building approach is how you end up with a make-a-wish QB who the media loved(felt bad for?).
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