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Posts posted by BenjaminBreeg

  1. You'all need to stop blaming the O-line, because it isn't the problem. 

    Bryce has on average 2.5 seconds in the pocket, which is more than decent. Only six teams afford their QBs more time in the pocket. 



    Here are the stats on hurries, hits, pressures, and pressure %. Our O-line comes out looking average. Not elite, but not horrifying like many are making it to be. 







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  2. 7 hours ago, BrianS said:

    So wait.

    CJ Stroud has the same pocket time as Bryce.  He has been blitzed more, hurried more, hit more, pressured more . . . the only thing Bryce has had more of is sacks.

    It's another piece of data that does not look good.

    We need to run a system that fits the linemen we have, or hit an offseason where we can realistically expect to change most of them out.  It would also be sweet if our starters could stay healthy.  I don't think enough attention is paid to our seemingly sky high injury rate.  It's been going on for years and I'd love to know why.

    That data is slightly outdated. Stroud's pocket time has since improved to 2.6 seconds, while Young's remains at 2.5 seconds, which is more than decent because only five teams afford their QBs more time in the pocket. 

    The amount of blame our O-line receives is simple unfair. Our O-line is OK, while our QB is absolutely poo. 


  3. 46 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    It's been said that he doesn't yet recognize "NFL open" vs college open (or Alabama open). That's a known issue.

    Seriously doubt he'd be flat out replaced next season though. I expect he gets at least one more year.


    A season and a half worth of starts is kind of the standard NFL evaluation window for a rookie qb. So 25 games should give you enough confidence to predict how his career will pan out or if he's even salvageable. He's almost half way there.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Adb6368 said:

    I completely agree. And that does make me nervous. However a hand full of those players were lazy, some had no interest in football, and others were a mental midget. 

    I don’t think Bryce is any of those things. My biggest worry is the mental midget part and him losing confidence a la Zack Wilson (Bryce is 10x the prospect Wilson was). 

    I truthfully believe he’ll figure it out. I could be dead wrong. That’s why it’s a game. But I’ve watched enough of the good (in college) to think the skills are in there somewhere, we just need the right people to bring it out. 


    I think the lowest hanging fruit at this point is fixing his footwork. I don't have the slightest idea as to how fixable it is at this point, but they're gonna have to try. Proper footwork will definitely add more zip to his ball and improve his timing and accuracy. This should be priority numero uno.

    You'd think a No. 1 draft pick wouldn't come with such piss poor fundamentals, but it is what it is.


  5. 1 minute ago, Mr. Scot said:

    I's agree he holds onto the ball too long, though to be fair there are plenty of times when nobody is open.

    That's another thing that needs fixed, probably even more so than the line.

    It's a clusterfudge, and nobody is blameless here.

    I will add this though, our receivers have been NFL-open plenty of times, but Young's arm strength and ball placement haven't been good enough to hit his targets. His timing is putrid, probably because his footwork is absolutely horrendous. He also hasn't demonstrated enough anticipation, nor has he shown he's capable of throwing receivers open.

    Bryce is simply not as advertised. He ain't remotely NFL ready. 

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  6. Just now, CRA said:

    it's pretty bad in this O.  I mean, if you cherry picked out all the plays Bryce is adding the issue....the OL is still flat out bad. 

    but some of that is also just flat out the predictability of it all working against them.  Which isn't even Bryce or their own talent.  Frank Reich's O here made Jeff Davidson and every horrific playcaller in our history look better. 


    Oh the line definitely needs fixing, but QB play needs to improve massively too. A lot of people see the sack numbers and automatically assume it's an O-line problem (not saying this is you), but sack is as much of a QB stat as an O-line stat. Bryce's dropbacks are too shallow and don't create enough depth for the O-line to block effectively. He also holds onto the ball for far too long which, when combined with his lack of pocket awareness and elusiveness as well as his unwillingness to climb the pocket, result in more sacks.







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  7. 24 minutes ago, restNChrist said:

    I say it every year and every year it proves true.  We are only as good as our O-line.  I know we need receivers and corners and a whole lot of things… but if we truly want to know if we have something with Bryce we must use FA and draft to build up the line first.  

    The only problem with this strategy is I don’t trust our front office to scout the right O linemen.  Ex. Ickey!  


    Yep, better get it fixed in preparation for the next quarterback.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Selltheteamtepper said:

    Have you read the anonymous scouting reports from prior to the draft? They panned Young. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tepper was the only one in the league even considering him. 



    The Teppers and their house pet Fitterer value table manners above all else. Bryce was drafted at no. 1 because he looked so poised around the dinner table:

    “You feel the presence of the player, just like the command that they have,” Fitterer said. “As he’s sitting there at dinner, he was so poised and you’re like, ‘OK, if I put this guy in a huddle,’ if Frank and I saying, ‘This is the guy, we’re putting him in the huddle, game’s on the line.’ Bryce is the guy we want our players looking at, knowing this is the guy that can get it done for us. We can win with this guy. And I think that’s kind of where that social part overlaps in the football side when you get to know the person and not just the player.”

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  9. 19 hours ago, PootieNunu said:

    I think the Bryce hate is well founded, next in line is Punch Bryce in the face.

    Say What North Carolina GIF by Carolina Panthers

    He has a face that you would love to punch. Bonus for breaking the glasses or knocking them off. Make him cry to win the jackpot.


    Bryce looked giddy there because he knew he had pulled off a historic swindle with the help of the Bama hype machine. 

    Now we know why he didn't run the 40-yard dash or throw at the combine.

    He probably drank two gallons of water and used cans of hair spray to stiffen hair before they measured him. I bet his eyeballs were practically floating in their sockets from all that water weight.

    Well played, Bryce, well played... 

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  10. On 12/3/2023 at 8:58 PM, Adb6368 said:

    burrow, manning, Lawrence, etc. all had bad first year.  

    You know who else had a bad first year? Ryan Leaf, Jamarcus Russell, Jimmy Clausen, Tim Couch, Akili Smith, David Carr, Matt Leinart, Josh Rosen, Zach Wilson, and the list goes on and on. 

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  11. 11 hours ago, fanpanther said:

    I saw a comment from an alabama fan that watched him play in college talk about how terrible his deep ball was in college.  He said his deep ball accuracy was atrocious I cant remember the stat he said and not even sure it was true but it was something like he completed only 10% of his deep throws in college.  With all that said not sure how the 1st overall grade got put on Young.  


    This! Totally this!


    Bryce has never been accurate on deep throws. During his best statistical year at Alabama, he completed only 36.1% of passes 20 yards or longer. That is freaking atrocious. For comparison, Tua's completion rate at Alabama on passes 20 yards or longer was 57.1%, and Mac Jones' was 58%. 

    I don't know how scouts and evaluators missed this. That should have been a red flag, shouldn't it?

    20-yard throws Comp. Att. % Yards Y/A Y/C Drop
    2021: Young 10 33 36.1% 416 12.6 41.6 9%
    2020: Jones 29 50 58% 1,279 25.6 44.1 8%
    2019: Tua 17 35 48.6% 659 18.8 38.8 3%
    2018: Tua 24 42 57.1% 944 22.5 39.3 2%
    Source: SECStatCat            
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