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Everything posted by BenjaminBreeg

  1. Bryce Young is a high character person? That must have been why he refused to throw or run at the combine and packed on all that water weight to tip the scale in his favor. Not blaming Bryce for gaming the system, but to call him a high character individual is a stretch.
  2. Bryce averages less than four sacks a game. But hey, don't let your innumeracy get in the way of a narrative.
  3. Drew is quite a bit taller than Bryce in real life. Check out their respective eye level, which is what matters.
  4. The article says Bryce is "durable" like a Toyota, not reliable. It was specifically about his ability to take hits, not about his play. The only aspect of his game that can be characterized as reliable is that he's reliably bad to astonishingly atrocious. So if Bryce were a car, he would be an underpowered sub-compact or micro-car that drives like poo and needs constant repairs but otherwise has a respectable safety rating for its class. I know of no such car, at least not original from the factory. Perhaps if you install a roll cage in a Yugo, it could be called the Bryce Young of cars. For the younger folks here, Yugo was a car hailing from the erstwhile Yugoslavia that, despite its sub-compact form factor, was underpowered (55hp @6500rpm) and drove like poo. Adjusted for inflation, price starts at around 10 grand. It has its charms, to be sure, but you certainly wouldn't overpay by emptying your investment portfolio and mortgaging your home to get it.
  5. Yeah, like blaming our O-line for Young's inability to perform a simple 5-step dropback when his Alabama tape clearly shows his footwork has always been atrocious. Sorry to break it to you, but your head is filled with straws, and we're trying to perform a brain surgery on you.
  6. We all know Bryce carries himself with poise around the dinner table, but few appreciate how his impeccable manners extend onto the football field. Even his dropbacks are performed with a level of refinement and grace not seen since the heyday of European royal courts. Now compare Young's civilized footwork with that of lowly peasants, who look so uncouth by comparison. A gentleman does not carry himself in such an overhasty and precipitous manner, and I for one am glad that Bryce is bringing civility and courtesy to the game of football. To the Bryce critics, I say to you that you don't understand the sophistication of his play, which can only be fully appreciated when accompanied by Handel or Purcell.
  7. 1) David Tepper fires Fitterer, hires a consulting firm to hire a new GM, who in turn hires a new HC. 2) The Teppers step back from football side of things. 3) DRAFT A QB, sign a UDFA QB, or do whatever it takes to get the best QB they can and then hold a quarterbacks competition to determine the starter. Or just trade Bryce for whatever we can get. 4) Sever any or all working relations with the snake oil salesmen behind the S2 cognition test. 5) Tickets and beer half off, at a minimum. 6) David Tepper wears a clown costume in his luxury box.
  8. Man, what is with you Bryce fanboys and your hilarious lack of basic football knowledge? Sacks are more of a QB statistic, not an O-line statistic, which is why they are listed on a QB's stat sheet. Get this through that thick skull of yours: it's almost always Bryce's fault when he's sacked. Why? Because he almost always had enough time in the pocket to either throw to a receiver or simply scramble and throw the ball away. QBs are drilled over and over and over again on the importance of avoiding sacks, because sacks are the worst outcome save for interceptions or pick sixes. This is QB 101 stuff but apparently too difficult to grasp for our super S2-processor. Don't just stand there like a deer in headlights or a special needs boi who just got off the short bus on the wrong stop. Throw the damn ball away, FFS! Oh, and here's your golden boy on Alabama tape with his retard footwork. Jesus Christ, his footwork is literally Pop Warner level poo, and we picked him at no. 1 in the NFL draft?! Now compare your golden boy's footwork and fundamentals with those of CJ Stroud. See the difference? See how they matter? I swear, you Bryce fanboys are almost as annoying as screaming Swifties.
  9. Don't insult my intelligence, boi! His footwork has always been terrible since at least his days at Alabama. You rarely ever see him do a standard 3-, 5-, or 7-step drop. Instead, he just saunters backward like a tranquilized raccoon and then does his signature midget-hop like he's twitching on some designer drug. How TF is he gonna get the timing down with that bullsh!t footwork, not to mention generate enough zip for passes into tight NFL windows? And how TF are the linemen (especially the interior) supposed to block for him when he never gives them enough depth to work with? Your golden boy also holds onto the ball forever, because his little mouse brain overheats as soon as the reads get just a little tough, so much so that he has no spare mental capacity for basic pocket awareness and navigation, such as climbing the pocket or stepping away from the pressure. He just pogo hops or stands on the same spot like a carboard standie and eats sacks. Even when he tries to get away from pressure, which he almost always does when it's already too freaking late, he doesn't have the speed to outrun defenders, and because he's so tiny, one hand on his shoulder pad is enough to make him eat turf. The fact is that our O-line gives Bryce plenty of time to make throws. Plenty of time. It's his fault that his fundamentals are so atrocious and his processing so slow that he can't hit open receivers on time or make bare minimum NFL-level throws accurately and consistently or avoid sacks to extend plays. Man, GTFO with your stupid ass hot takes!
  10. I watched the games too, with open eyes. The O-line is problematic, but Bryce is the problem. In fact, Bryce creates problems for both the O-line and the receivers because his footwork, timing, arm strength, accuracy, decision making, processing, and pocket awareness are all absolutely atrocious.
  11. Or if we simply drafted Stroud, things would be looking up.
  12. Brucie is a good boi. Stop being mean to Brucie. Feed him some popcorn, and he'll be fine.
  13. Stop blaming the O-line and start blaming Young's hair product.
  14. My fear is that he'll improve some and get Tepper's hopes up enough so that he delays cutting bait. This is the worst of all possible worlds. Tepper is stupid, and he can't see that Bryce has the ceiling of a crawl space.
  15. Fire Fitt? I mean just look at him. Isn't he adorable? Tepper loves his toady toad.
  16. "He sucks!" "They picked the wrong quarterback."
  17. Fun fact: a panther can paw a football further than Bryce can throw it.
  18. I think it's safe to say that most of the remaining Bryce Young fanboys are diehard fans of Spiderman comics. They're confusing Bryce with that fictional scrawny nerd. It's all deeply psychological, and I suspect of Young's fanboys have only become interested in football because of him. It's comical how little they know football, which is something they unfortunately share with the Teppers. I mean this is Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, and Skip Bayless level poo going on right here.
  19. It is absolutely not true. Get that into your thick skull, boi.
  20. No, Bryce sucks. He is the worst (primary) starting QB in the NFL by a country mile. There is no debate. In fact, he is likely worse than most backups out there, not to mention a few undrafted rookie free agents. Bryce is historically bad. He stinks, and he makes our OL look worse than it really is.
  21. Please explain to the two remaining Bryce fanboys why he doesn't pass the eye test by using the following photo.
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