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Everything posted by Floppin

  1. Mingo is a strong boy.
  2. That doesn't mean he didn't document or have invoices from his electrician. Just saying to be careful before you file suit. Usually unless it's a substantial sum it's not worth your time in most cases.
  3. Oh I have no doubt that it was probably some shady bullshit that he pulled. I'm just saying, if it's unpaid documented work on the house he has the legal ability to put a lien on your property so just weight that hassle against any possible suit you wish to file. That's the unfortunate reality and why the contractor profession gets a bad name at times.
  4. That's up to you man. Because at the end of the day right or wrong you have an unpaid bill to him. The fact that the work was not discussed ahead of time and it's outside of your original scope doesn't matter much as far as his ability to put a lien on your property. Because it is work completed. Now you might win both cases at the end of the day but you'll be tied up in court both trying to remove the lien and in your own lawsuit.
  5. Drywall is currently going from 15 to $25 a board both to hang and to finish so roughly $30 to $50 per board at the end of the day
  6. Either the subfloor and tile backer (cement board, kerdi sluter, etc) is moving or the thin set wasn't spread evenly and there's voids. Does it sound hollow when you tap on it in places? That's a sign of voids in the thin set
  7. If your tile is cracking it's structural or installation problem. Tile, even cheap tile, won't just crack if installed properly
  8. Well I've used both yes. I'm not sure why you needed an antenna to get local channels with sling because my sling had all my local channels. It just sucks and is glitchy and the latency is ass. YouTube is infinitely better.
  9. It doesn't suck. The yttv guide is great. Sling fuging blows
  10. Local fox. Ignore that it says Chattanooga Saturday or whatever
  11. I'll take them, they'll go towards converting my girlfriend to a Panthers fan
  12. I worked Saturday-Monday getting up at 330am, Leaving at 5am, getting home at 730pm.
  13. Eh, I routinely put 4-5 hrs of road time in a day. It's whatever.
  14. Yeah man. I'm from Boone originally. I've built in the mountains for 25 years, but I'm currently based in Mooresville.
  15. Prices are just high. I'm an unlimited contractor and currently took an additonal job for another contractor out of Florida who's licensed himself in NC to build a summer home on Beech Mountain. I'm only providing him labor for the framing and decking and I'm charging him $75 per man hour, 25k up front start of construction fee and 7% total labor commission at completion or termination of contract. He's paying not even batting an eye because he can't find anyone else to do it within 6 months. On my own projects I'm charging upwards of $300-$400 per foot on turn key custom home construction currently.
  16. Eh, that's a different argument. The actual TV market size for the Panthers is in the top 10 in the NFL.
  17. Y'all are crazy with this Charlotte is bigger than Atl nonsense and using actual "within city limit" metrics is fuging stupid. The Atlanta Metro area is almost 3 times larger than Charlotte's. Atl Metro ~7 million people Cha Metro ~2.6 million
  18. The edit feature times out after a certain amount of time. @rayzor@LinvilleGorge Help this guy in deleting the image?
  19. As an unlimited contractor I can tell you that those numbers in today's market are not outrageous and actually, depending on the plan, relatively frugal unfortunately.
  20. While I suspect he's lying about going to 20 games over the last 5 years, if he did, considering he lives in Raleigh, that's pretty respectable attendance.
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