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Pox 08

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Everything posted by Pox 08

  1. Either she was moved or she was just let go, them feeling the danger was over. Who knows? If she met the police in the building, why didn't the police go upstairs and arrest Hardy on the spot, if that was the story she was spinning. Why would they let a potential woman beater have the freedom to just turn himself in, when they had the victim in their custody and they were that close? A lot of the story doesn't make sense to me. Honestly.. I'm in the camp of believing, if he beat her, she would have much more damage than just a few minor bruises and minor scrapes.. which is what some are saying she had? That kind of stuff makes me think that she was being restrained and she was struggling.
  2. Idk. What if it was the only option? What if she was on coke and everything Hardy and his friend said was true? Either she's extremely crazy in the eyes of basically everyone... or, she's a victim. I'd probably build up the victim angle also if I were in her position. Who knows though?
  3. You act as if the posters are the ones writing the story. Everyone is just trying to piece things together, the best we can, until it all becomes clear , once the dust settles. As far as your one concern.. have you ever had to restrain someone? It doesn't matter how big you are, you could seriously injure them or they could seriously injure you if you try to use force to move them from one location to another. Even more so than the act of restraining them in place, to begin with.
  4. If you do have the displeasure of meeting up with a crazy chick, you are damned if you do, damned if you don't, if she starts wilding out and getting violent.
  5. NEWton rivERA finally taking off. Better late than never.

  6. I've respect for the phins fans. Before all the drama, i thought they were a playoff team. We will get their best effort of the year. In an attempt to get above .500 and back on the playoff path. Could be a game like the cards game. Phins defense is no joke.
  7. Can we please do the kneel down without a F Up?
  8. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. worst fear is a shotgun attempt to kneel the ball ends with a bad snap and fumble.
  10. AHH I Can't get the image of the f"n Bills driving down the field easily to end that game. Come on defense, hold, please.
  11. Oh poo. Hope it's not serious, rookie. Tolbert destroyed that guy.
  12. I'm expecting a stray flag to be thrown about 5 minutes from now, and they bring that TD back, claiming there was holding involved.
  13. My hopes are up right now. Don't you dash them away, offense!
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