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About dpanther69

  • Birthday 06/25/1969


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Oh well; it amazes me that people want a better draft position yet don't trust the people drafting.
  2. Win or lose. This is the best team game of the year.
  3. I've been quiet about Bryce; watching the back and forth opinion of him on this board. After today I realized he isn't a NFL caliber player/QB. Athletically he so subpar at this point is JaMarcus Russell bad/bust.
  4. Unlike Baltimore, Philly knows how to use their star off season acquisition.
  5. Nice touchdown. The Eagle offense are settling down
  6. Good call. I agree it will probably be a thing of the future for most teams.
  7. It was to differentiate special team players who wore different jersey. It was a blue/white scrimmage game and there were player on the same side of the ball with different jerseys.
  8. Coaching/culture is the issue with Hebert. Coaching changed how Tua is viewed.
  9. This team really has to get out of the mindset of blowing 4th quarter leads.
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