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Everything posted by DamnItJake!

  1. Nice goal Skjei!!! Good note to fall asleep too.. 04:30 comes too soon!
  2. Done with the UNC game.. time to watch the Canes
  3. Icing the kicker is so dumb.. gives them a free try
  4. Shut up Dabo !! It’s a first down!!
  5. Clemson needs to put The other QB back in!! Fug Clemson!!
  6. It’s a tall order for UNC after seeing how they have played the last 2 games!! But there’s always hope!! As Obi Wan would say!!
  7. Probably posted already but I got a like from Tre!! But I love his words!!
  8. I am just watching to see if this Caleb guy is worth a Pooh?? Guess who else is from here ?? I see ghosts Darnold!! So be careful!! Lol
  9. Bruh quite being so analytical and enjoy the game!! Here’s to a huge Upset!! The heels are due!! Coaches better prepared the team right!! Go Heels!!
  10. Too many weird ads on here making it hard to type and post stuff
  11. Fug Clemson!! Tarheels win tomorrow!! Upset Alert!!
  12. Offense has been improving!! But to be fair even though we aren’t on defense.. I see most colleges or offensive driven.. but UNC still has problems on offense if we couldn’t crush GT or State
  13. Bro I don’t I have the knowledge u do on the coaching staff.. I just speak what I see!! And we’re on the same page!! Enjoy the game!! Starting to sound too political!!!
  14. Never know no which UNC defense will show!! Plus iam trying type with these great ads over my screen!! Regardless go heels we need this win!!! Cuz the basketball team is flandering!! Might wake them up!!
  15. Awesome I was wanting to go!! Enjoy!! Hopefully it’s a great outcome.. UNC deserves a positive on this season!!
  16. Can UNC end this horrible lost streak and beat Clemson!!! I will be loaded with Bud lights on ice hoping so!! Fug Clemson!!
  17. Did apologize on social media for eac dropped ball!! .. I want answers!
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