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About DamnItJake!

  • Birthday 06/25/1972

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  1. I remember when we were defensive minded and had better results!! Then it went Offensive in the NFL for a bit.. Now after Philly showing defense matters.. but our defense suxs ass!! And offense is a little better not much. More like promise
  2. Another Canes game on the NHL network!! Guess not watching it tonight !! Damn
  3. Slavin representing and getting high praises.. And just called him a play breaker during the break! Go Canes! I mean USA!!
  4. Finally a goal USA!! Was looking flat for a bit!!
  5. Dan is trying!! He might be ok.. Depends on the Teppers.. if they stand hand frees!! I think Dan can build his team!! He needs to focus on Defense!! It was bad with Brown hurt
  6. I don’t watch Hornets games cuz I am out of market.. not about to pay for this mess.. been a fan since they were born….my post is about it’s the only NBA game on and no network National is showing it or did.. I luv Luka… and almost want to be a Laker fan now. .so you would think they would show it.. it’s just embarrassing we can’t get a free game to watch.. this is the end of my Rant !
  7. What a BS call he tripped our own guy. Not the Hawks
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