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About mmmbeans

  • Birthday 01/01/1914

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  1. that aspect of his game kind of reminds me of ed reed. that's pretty exciting in and of itself.
  2. lurking... here and there. trying to get some work done.
  3. he is literally a probowl DE. He would be fine with his hand in the dirt.
  4. tomlinson was only the second time. first time it was Jones, shonn greene and leon washington...
  5. Kiko's too small for the D that ryan traditionally runs and the eagles figure they can get 80% of mccoy's production out of 25% as much running back... and with that line, maybe they can. gonna be interesting to see how it pans out.
  6. Newton himself said that the long routes were there, he just didn't go to them.
  7. mexican standoff is by definition 3 people. stupid drawing.
  8. boehner looks like he's gonna cry...
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